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Help please, my Chewie npc is kinky!


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I just got into npc modifiying/creating in the last week

& have figured out all the small problems i came across

but this one has me stumped.


I've just made a Chewbacca npc ally using the Weequay4

npc as the base, how ever he appears not with a bowcaster

in his hands, but a stormtrooper rifle between his legs!


I remember reading a simular post a while ago, but cannot

find it again, any help would be really be appreciated.



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Change the class.

It's probably set to weequay or something.

Change it to an ally (rebel or something, check the npcs.cfg for allies) although I'm not sure what that will do to the weapon (he might not use the bowcaster).

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Thanks EffJi, I did fix that prob just before i logged on & i've

got him him running without the crotch gun :laughing:

Now all i need is to get him using the bowcaster, here's what i

put in my npcs.cfg for chewbacca :




playerModel weequaychewbacca

reactions 3

aim 4

move 3

aggression 4

evasion 3

intelligence 5

hfov 140

vfov 140

scale 130

health 800

rank lt

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

// race weequay

class weequay

snd wookiee

sndcombat wookiee

sndextra wookiee

yawspeed 200

walkSpeed 150

runSpeed 300

dismemberProbHead 80

dismemberProbArms 80

dismemberProbLegs 80

dismemberProbHands 90

dismemberProbWaist 80



anyone got a suggestion or working solution?

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