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No SKY in SP?


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In single player mode, there is no sky in any of the levels, just a cream colour, however in multiplayer mode, there is! It’s kind of lame shooting at tie fighters in the one particular level, as they fly through cream coloured space. What can I do? I have the patch and I have reinstalled already.In single player mode, there is no sky in any of the levels, just a cream colour, however in multiplayer mode, there is! It’s kind of lame shooting at tie fighters in the one particular level, as they fly through cream coloured space. What can I do? I have the patch and I have reinstalled already :chop1: :chop1: :drop2::jester1::tank1:

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It works like this, if you use one of the pre-settings for video in the game, like the high quality setting, you will get all you see on the list. BUT, if you set it to Fast settings, with everything low, it will turn off the sky. WHat people dont realize is, if you have applied the fast settings, you cant manually bump up the res, or change all the detail levels, because its coded to still play in "fast" mode which keeps the sky turned off. All you simply have to do is choose a higher quality pre-setting, then mess around with the settings up or down.

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