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fuel tanks to get ship going in starport level


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I've got all panels set to on to lift ship from hanger in this level but i'm unable to ( and I've heard this can be an issue for some people I appear to be one of them :( .. ) make any changes in the blue/red panel on top of the fuel tanks..I press Ctrl but they do nothing at all and don't seem active..I've tried using force push/pull on on character waiting in hanger ( whats his name i'm drawing blank at moment LOL ) but I still can't make those panels change to a different design to open hanger ceiling doors..


thx anyone



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Originally posted by neighbor



I've got all panels set to on to lift ship from hanger in this level but i'm unable to ( and I've heard this can be an issue for some people I appear to be one of them :( .. ) make any changes in the blue/red panel on top of the fuel tanks..I press Ctrl but they do nothing at all and don't seem active..I've tried using force push/pull on on character waiting in hanger ( whats his name i'm drawing blank at moment LOL ) but I still can't make those panels change to a different design to open hanger ceiling doors..


thx anyone




hi and thx for URL..that helped at least verify a few things but doesn't help me in the end..I learned that tavion 'should' have gone into the ship as I followed but he never did....all he did was stay at the 'entrance' of the ship at end of ramp and tell me I need to refuel it ...which leads me to next problem...going on top of tanks and trying to switch the symbols does nothing..they don't look as though they are 'activated' ...which leads me to believe that for some reason tavion not going into ship has caused this level to malfunction but I have no idea how to fix..


thx anyone



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Originally posted by razorace

Actually, It's Lando not Tavion, and from what I remember, you have to go around to the surrounding buildings outside the hanger to refuel the ship.


thats correct which is 'where' I am..'but' the problem is that once I 'find' the red/blue panels on top of the fueltanks..I can't modify them as 'Ctrl' doesn't work...i saw a post somewhere saying that sometimes the level messes up..for me Lando never went inside the ship with me to follow so I think thats part of the problem...i'm just not looking fwd to going back save wize and restart entire process of trying to save Lando that part was a pain <G>..but Imight have to it seems..:)))\


feel free to reply if you have any further ideas...




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I remember I had to go to the opposite ends of the hangar room and break a few boxes or jump behind them, and go through a vent. They lead to some room. 1 vent that leads to a room on each side of the hangar....maybe you have to go there? I don't remember..been awhile.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

I remember I had to go to the opposite ends of the hangar room and break a few boxes or jump behind them, and go through a vent. They lead to some room. 1 vent that leads to a room on each side of the hangar....maybe you have to go there? I don't remember..been awhile.


I finally got it no fault of my own..as noted in a walkthrough I had to replay level ..thank goodness I had a save game just before this point...I'd expect this kind of nonsense from some game company other than lucasarts/ravens..this seriously was irritating and not even anything I'd done wrong so I"m writing them to let them know right now that it should be included in a faq in case others don't think to grab a walkthrough and find sollution as I was lucky enough to do..





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You know, this is the single puzzle in the game I had no idea how to solve. I saw the 4 symbols on the fuel tanks, I wrote them all down (in preperation to solving the puzzle, because I'm a geek), and went outside the hanger to the two console thingies. I started to cycle through the symbols in an attempt to see what they all were (gaining all information before attempting puzzle), and after a clicked through two of them on the first console it activated the pumps.


No idea what I did, how I did it, or anything. I even sat there for awhile to try and figure the puzzle out, maybe I solved it accidently. I couldn't find any logic to it, no pattern.


From reading this post I see that maybe it was a bug. Cool. Because that was the one thing that made no sense at all to me.

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Originally posted by Smart_Saber


Well, I can see where there might be some confusion.


Wait...no, no I can't.



no, no wait I know. I'm just bad with names..so I grabbed one I thought it was based on one I'd seen apparantly..ROFL!!!


minor brain fart..lol





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Originally posted by Lionen

I think this should be discussed in Single Player strategy...



If you cant get a solution, then you might have to write map ns_starpad in the console and replay the level...


I agree. Please try and LOOK for the appropriate forum atleast.

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Originally posted by grey_fox_001


I agree. Please try and LOOK for the appropriate forum atleast.



I agree. Please try and LOOK for post updates at least before posting.....


I presume your comment was not meant in a snide way...it it was..


nana!!!! bufanna nanana bonanan!!!!


wudeness is never nice..its apparant you weren't being 'nice' or you would have offered your kind assistance..


how wude!!!!




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Originally posted by <osr>beta_sigma

that damn lvl....lando died about 100 times. it had me pulling my hair out. i gotta tell you that i enjoyed using the ships guns to lay waste to reelo's henchmen tho ;)



yeah that level is pretty hard...I must tell you though for the most part..I find myself playing JKII with cheat modes ie: either give health 100-999 or undying..I find it much easier to just cheat that 'one' way health wize and enjoy the levels after that....later on once I finish game I'll prob go back and try to do them without using health cheat but right now its so nice not to have to worry about getting killed so quickly and just enjoy the game..





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