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how will space be handled?

Guest Bifficvs

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Guest Bifficvs

This question comes in two forms:


1. How will space be handled in terms of units? I'm guessing only certain air units can be there, as would the case be with clouds, but I could be wrong.


2. How will space be handled in terms of map concept usage? Meaning, what will space be doing on the map? I can see with clouds, you can have, say, a floating city in the clouds, or be on a really high altitude mountain, but what about space? Would you say be used like a Death Star-type space station or something?

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Guest Bifficvs

how will that be explained storyline wise then? Obviously, the floating city thing is plausible, as was in the movies, how could one a. justify being on a platform or asteroid without dying, and how could one travel from ground to space like in the example map? Or would that never occur, and only be used in the example to show off all the cool things in the game.

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Guest Gamma732

I have a feeling that space platforms occuring next to a rolling grassy plain will be rare ;)


As for how units can be on a platform without oxygen suits? I, myself, am not too sure....maybe we should ask Blizzard, StarCraft had the same thing and I don't think they even attempted to explain it.

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Guest xwing guy

Only in the editor which is what they used to create all the screenshots. The space platforms will be about like it will be in SC. And all units except naval units will be there.

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Guest Admiral Odin

Look at the hangars on the Mon Cals, they are opened to space but have a invisible shield that stops air from leaving. same thing with platforms.

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Originally posted by Gamma732

StarCraft had the same thing and I don't think they even attempted to explain it.


Thats the thing, EVERYTHING in Star Wars HAS to be explained. Thats what makes the Star Wars universe so great, instead of just saying "Ok, so it exists" everyone tries to explain things, and in that, people never stop loving Star Wars. Thats why there aren't millions of StarCraft fans and several sequels and books and movies and games.

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