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level nearly done but stuck..


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I am in the ship on ns_starport level ..in the hanger inside ship along with lando ( right name?) whom is at controlls on right side of ship..I have gone through grates on both sides and activated all 10 panels..roof is open as is door in front...I activated the panels properly ( I know I did it right because Lando said okay come on back here now... ) on top of fuel tanks but still nothing is happening next...i've waited several minutes but i'm supposed to activate this panel inside cockpit but it does nothing with I press it with Ctrl....did I solve this level's parts in wrong order? or something to cause this stale mate in cockpit or what... :(


anyway thx for any help



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This is probably a cutscene error. It has happend to me, but on a different level. The game goes into "widescreen" mode, but the cutscene doesn't play. Try to restart and/or load a saved game.


PS. It doesn't matter in which order you complete the tasks.

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Originally posted by zworqy

This is probably a cutscene error. It has happend to me, but on a different level. The game goes into "widescreen" mode, but the cutscene doesn't play. Try to restart and/or load a saved game.


PS. It doesn't matter in which order you complete the tasks.



oh ok thx kindly for verification as I was thinking of what a bummer that I wasn't paying attention to to order of things <G>..


okay thx yup that was it ..and yup I just reloaded scene replayed and 'up' the ramp he went :)<G>


thx mucho




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The same thing happened to me in the Besbin level. When I reached the 1st reborn it went to widescreen mode and I was standing there....I pressed ctrl....I restarted the level.....I rebooted the comp....i rebooted the comp 5 more timew and gave up. Later that day I went back and it worked:confused: I have not had any more trouble though...

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