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Are gates taller tha AT-AT's?


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Guest xwing guy

Give me a link to a screenshot with a gate in it and I will try to figure it out. I always thought that the gates would be a force field or something.

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Well in the earlier tech stages, like 1 or 2, than they may be solid walls, and in stage 3, and 4 they become force fields. I really like the idea of a MECH gate, that is an interesting idea.

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Guest Gamma732

I hope the gates aren't rising gates like in AOK. That'd be a bit..uhm....anachronistic. Force feilds sounds feasible. Gates that slide to the sides would work for the lower tech levels too.

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Guest xwing guy

Yeah if the gate force fields didn't have a top to them and slide to the side then you wouldn't have to worry about how tall they are just how wide.

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I remember gaber saying somewhere that when they resized the units, they had to change it so that he ATATs could fit through the gates, so i'm assuming they can. That would really stink if you couldn't get an ATAT out of your base!

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Originally posted by Warlord

I really like the idea of a mech gate



Thank you. If they had to resize the AT-AT making it smaller they should have huge Mech Gates

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yeah to make the whole gate thing easier, they should enable friendly units to pass through the forcefield, without it having to slide or anything, and enemy units must break it down, but no passing through

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