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(Off topic)Are you afraid of Dying?

Guest Darth skywalker

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Guest Darth skywalker

Are you scared of dying?Im not but sometimes If im really tired all of a sudden i become scared of dying for some reason its weird.



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.





Meet Paco my parrot. parrotGnWHT.gif

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Guest obi-tom-kenobi

Personeley i am not afraid because when u r dead u r dead, and that is the end of it do u see my point?




"if you strike me down darth i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine!

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Guest Solrya

Sometimes when things go terribly bad, I never really cared if I died, because that way, I could rid my pain...I only worry about the first part of dying, the excruciating pain that really makes you wish that death could come alittle faster, but after that, I wouldn't be afraid...


Wierd, eh? No, I never died, but I'm just predicting what it'll be like for me...



"Just because I'm a 15 year-old doesn't mean I can't be a Jedi Knight"



The Force is with you...always.

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Guest Ray Park

I just hope my body is put to good use after I'm dead. I'm sure some Chinese resturant that's low on beef and pork could use me.





"He must have worked out!"

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Are you ok, Skywalker..?

No offense, but that's a bit of an odd subject to post all of a sudden. smile.gif


If you need someone to talk to, feel free to e-mail me - that goes for anyone else too.


Erm...except maybe you, Ray. biggrin.gif



[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited June 30, 2000).]

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Yeah, for real you guys,Skywalker, Solrya, and anyone else, Iv'e been in rough spots before, and i know what it;s like to be faced with death like that, if any of you ever need to talk about anything, please, feel free to e-mail me at

P rawk007@aol.com


oh, umm...yeah.., even you Ray


GOD bless,


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Guest Hannibal

Obi-Tom I sort of agree with you except it's not dying Im afraid of but not being alive. Not saying that life is always this wonderful, amazing ride but it's got always entertaining enough or educational enough for me to have never (ok rarely) thought about myself actually being dead.

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Guest Jedi Shadow

When I was just a little kid I thought about death a lot. My sister was really affraid of death. I didn't care for life much and at some point I wanted to kill myself but the that was just not something you can just DO. you just can't, I mean when you die that's it you're gone. I don't believe in heaven or hell or stuff like that. but anyways I am not affraid of death just the pain that comes before it. I want to become a bodygaurd when I grow up coz I don't really care for my own life and I think that gives me an edge of some sort.


well if anyone is thinking about suicide talk to me I know what it's like




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Guest the13thJedi

I've had quite a few "dances with death", however strange that may sound. But I've learned from all of them.


I no longer fear death, or the idea of it.


With as many things that have happend that could have killed me, I'm still here. I can't really say why, but I do know that I am still here. Whether there is a reason for that or not... I believe there is.


Now, instead of going from day to day, fearing death, I just live my live the best I can. If you fear death, I don't think you're ever really living.


Skywalker, If your having trouble, don't take any drastic measures. Things will get better, trust me, I've been there.


If you DO need to talk though, feel free to e-mail me, Or any of the others that have posted. Or better yet, talk to someone close by that can help. Because most of us, while we can try, are just usernames on a computer screen. And if you did need someone, we couldn't be there the way your family or friends could.



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Guest 84Elan

I second Warts idea even if you are not willing to admit it, you must have a fear of death for your own good. If not then you would not live very long. Self preservation is what keeps us from playing on the freeway or sky diving w/o a parachute. Its good to have some fear of death or instead of fear how about Respect?



Don't center on your anxieties...keep your focus on the here and now.

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Guest Darth skywalker

I just posted this cause i was bored.BTW when i was like about 4 i was really scared of death when my cousin said that we were all gonna die some day i started crying.It was funny though.



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.





Meet Paco my parrot. parrotGnWHT.gif

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Come on,

look at you guys, you're all talking about death as if you where a bunch of psychiatrists. I prefer talking about life, death is something for another time.

Live as long as you can and make something from it.

I mean, life is such a great thing, why spoil with toughts of death while your just at beginning of life.

And as the song goes: "Allways look on the bright side of life" (there's a MOTS level featuring that song).


[This message has been edited by Pedro The Hutt (edited July 01, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

I'll agree with you 84.


I do have a respect for death, but I will not fear it.


Life is too short for that...

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Guest ihatecrosswinds

I'd say I'm most afraid of the pain I'll experience before I die. I don't look forward to that. However, I do believe in God, satan, heaven, and hell; and that I'll be in heaven when I die.




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