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Question on lighting and skies


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Ok the problem that I am having is my sky box. I made a brush and put it above my wall brushes and selected the skies/stars shader for it. I started to compile but when it got to BSP it showed:

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/skies/stars

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader noshader


It countinued to compile so I loaded up my map and everything looked ok but there were no stars and when I shot at where the sky should be the laser hit the sky brush.



Another question I have is can you make light shaders more bright?



Thanks in advance

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1. maybe you did not choose the shader for the stars--or maybe the textures didn't load right when you installed RAD--in other words--check again to see if the texture had a white box--otherwise cant help yah.


2.--I can help you!!



Edit the shader--open it up in NOTEPAD


It will look something like this:




qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga

q3map_surfacelight 75

q3map_lightsubdivide 512

sun 0.75 0.79 1 250 0 65

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks


skyParms textures/skies/nebula2 512 -



All you gotta do is change the fourth value if you want a brighter or dimmer sun

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Neh, that's not what I meant. Don't modify the original files or re-define shaders already defined by Raven. You can pull shader scripts from those files and put them into your own as much as you want.


I doubt anyone at Raven cares at all if you steal a shader script. *snicker*

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