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Im gonna try to skin and model!!!!!


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i started with milkshape a few month ago, although i'm using 3dmax now. milkshape is very limited in it's functions, but for a beginner easy to learn.

modelling itself isn't very hard (in my opinion), the most problems i have is unwrapping the model (i.e. to put textures onto the model). and i don't know how to do own animations, but that's not necessary for JK2, because you can only use the standard skeleton!

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You can get a trial copy but u really need the full version.I've looked at GMax and its ok but if u gonna use that u might as well use 3dsmax(gmax is just a scaled down free version of 3dsmax)

besides if u learn 3dsmax there's a lot of kewl features u could spend all day messin with!


lata man good luck.

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