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WIP: Return of the Jedi Mod.


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Hey all, Sorry about my absence.. school's a bitach.


Never the less, im back at work this time... to let everyone know ive been busy with my Web Design skillz and ill be working on a haven for the mod.. Should be great. I will have it going soon.



Again, school is less time consuming now (Can ya believe that Moms and Dads!?!!?)


Ill get to work right away.

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I was just thinking....Ya know how the yavin swamp mission is well. sluggish for some PCs


will you be scaling down the endor mission so it can accomidate some low end PCs because its size maybe too big if you want to have a massive battle...you could do 3 seperate missions and split them between luke and vader, han, leia and chewiw..that way you can do battle with vader in 2 seperate fights making the experiance last longer


For example:


Endor Mission 1:- You as Luke (friendly unit leia) chace after some scout troopers and start off after or before luke jumps off the speeder....you have to get back to han but going through scout troopers....


Endor Mission 2:- Running around the Ewok Village as Han or Chewie


Endor Mission 3 Making your way to the shield generator as han or leia..


Endor 4:- First fight with vader


Endor 5:- As chewie helping the ewoks.. getting an AT-ST and and going back to han and leia.then planting charges and getting out the place.


Endor 6:- as luke defeating vader....maybe..maybe.... having to fight your way past the red guards and through the death star to reach the hangar with vader under your arm..with a countdown.. that would be good.


Ya so anyway...just some rational thought....its up to you guys to decide whats gonna happen :D :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry guys, we've been hard at work trying to master our respective skills. For me, it's mapping and weapons modeling. For everyone else, they have their areas. It's not easy with only a team of 4 or 5 people having to do a 10-20 person job.


I'm not going to say this mod is dead yet, because honestly I cannot really give you any other info than 'we are working on it'.


And if this mod does indeed die, don't worry...I have an MP mod that you guys will all truly love.

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