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WIP: Return of the Jedi Mod.


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I only found an S-swoop and it isn't that great either. I'm going to coninue my search. I found a Slave-1, but I'm not sure if it's in ROTJ. Speaking of which, I'm watching the movie currently and I'll give you as much help as I can with this project. Tell me if you need information on a prefab or model or a map and I'll see if I can find something on it.


O yeah, you probably already know, but there is a Royal Guard model out for download. Hope this project works well.


I'll keep you up on the speed bike update.

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If successful the speeder race in the woods will be extraordinary. However, I'm concerned about two things: how do you plan to control the flight speed and on the other hand, how do you plan to get around the fact that you can't make with Radiant a map that seems to be very big (as the forest should) if you fly at high speed.


Still, despite this bit of pessimism, I'm eagerly awaiting your project's fulfilment. Though I can't honestly expect this kind of project to be even in a beta test condition in just months! The amount of work is, truly, awesome.

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What we will be doing is applying the xwing physics in game. We will from there take that and change the code a bit. From there, basically we need to create a Speeder model. At that point, changes can also be made to the players poistion so they can better fit the bike.


This level should be one of the hardest to do (compared to all of our cut-scenes) But, I think that the overall effect will be nice.



Now, as for the map what we will do is create an area that has custom models (trees) all in different width, height. From there... we will also make sure that when ever you bump a tree... damage is applied.



We are also looking into what could happen if you fall off of your bike as luke does. Can you take out your lightsaber and slash the troopers as they speed by? Stay tuned. :)



Steve Crowley


Project Director/Sound Editor/Misc.

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I am very excited about this conversion but I still wonder I have played many maps that are big not as big as your but big none the less and well... they always seem to lag can u tell me how you are going to stop this problem of lagging and my computer has the top of the line graphics card but If you broke it into parts maybe that would help just a suggestion o and if you need any help finding models or skins or sound bites wavs and everything i can pull tht off of my ROTJ tape so if u want something like the ewok noise or speeder noise contact me via free_lancer3018@yahoo.com



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The maps we are making are large, However.. keep in mind that this is NOT a Mulitplayer Conversion. It is a stand alone SP game, (Multi player may be added later).


The maps should not lag in SP, I havent heard of anyone who does have them lag.


As for sounds what we are doing is voice acting... as for lightsaber/speeder blaster etc. sounds, we are working with the sound department in order to get the proper noises as you play along.


In game, you will play mostly as Luke Skywalker. But, there are times where Han Solo will be brought into the mix. ;)





Project Director/Sound Editor

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Yes and no about the sounds... We can use some from the movie, but it's really hard to get a good quality sound from any of the OT movies, because there are no DVD version (at least not in the USA). The DIVX movies have decent sound, and I'm gonna be using them for sounds, but there are some things we might need voice actors for. I'd rather use the sounds from the movies, but it may be heard to get rid of the background music :-/.

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Sorry I was out today,


Were gonna be using voice acting for our charechters. Sure, things like 3po and Jabba will be from the movies, but in a way you need to create new sounds. If you dont, you have all of that static and white noise in the back... But, the best way to do this is voice actors. We can awalys hold tryouts for parts if needed. But for now, this is how I believe it will be done.

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