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Yoda Ghost Released!!!!!!!!!


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Thanks to Psynex for the shader and Kman for assistance with some special effects the skin has been realeased and jediknightii.net and jk2files.com have had the file since around 2:30 so when it gets posted or if I have no idea. This is only the first version. We have some really good ideas to enhance so dont worry its not totally finished yet!!!!!!!

Here are some pics.....


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Yea I have the same problems :mad: I've sent my stuff in maybe 3 or 4 times in one month and only one thing was put up :( ....I guess i'll have to send the files personally to one of the file managers...ughh...They really need to start shapin up!




Heheh well G/L with all this agravation and more to come! (Hope not)



Lata :dev14:

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Obi-won would be relatively easy to kill off, but Anakin wouldn't. He didn't have the helmet in ROTJ and there's no way (that I know of) to make replacement heads like in Q3. But if someone made the model, we would have to follow through with the ghosting.

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If someone was to actually make an Old ben kenobi model than doing anakin and obiwan would be possible. Some simple editing to the face on obi wan and you'd have anakin. There outfits looked pretty much the same to me. But there is no model and every skin I have seen are good but not true to the characters.

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Sometimes it takes....a ....LOOOOONG...while before your skin gets posted. I post it at 2 or 3 different sites.....same time...just depends on ...i guess...if the ppl running the site check for new skins a lot or not...and if there are a big pile up of skins.

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I thought about the idea of toying with holographic player models too. Not only that, but I've got an insane mod that would drive everyone mad trying to play it. You and you opponents (or just your opponent) take on a demonic saber. Just a saber with no master wielding it. Crazy isn't it?

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