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Need lighting help


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If you mean the room is to bright here is what you do. You select the light in the 3d veiw by pressing shift and clicking on it then once you have it selected press n and the eninty window will pop up it should have light selected. make sure and then go down to the bottom where it will say key and value. next to key type in light then press enter. after that type 250 into the value space, press enter, the deselect it by pressing Esc that should reduce the light by half. if it is too little then repeat the process and instead put a higher number in value. but if it was to bright then add a lower number in. hope that helps.

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I have been following Rich's tutorial and Am using the same textures he uses so I doubt that it is the textures. I assume that is what you mean by sky.


I checked and there is no ambient light. Also, the light is pretty dim. I make a blue spotlight and the whole map is just white generic light all around the map.


This is pissing me off, why is my radient so screwed up? :)

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I doubt it is the map since it happenes on every map I made, I think it is my configuration. I guess I could send a pk3 with a really crappy mp map I made for MP. While your at finding the problem, mabey you can give me advice on my mapping (which is bad).


Catscratch: I added you to my icq, so mabey I'll send it to you over that.

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Yeah. I added you too. I couldnt get online last 2 days because im trying to understand how to add new npcs according to a tutorial :D


I'll be online from home if i can fix the phone line problem. It's off since yesterday 'cause it rained more than cats and dogs :D.

Killed my phone line.

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I had this same problem, what it is is you have a leak in your map somewhere, when you compile it will probably say maximum light exceeded or something like that. Right after you compile follow there should be a red line to show you where the leak is, if you close it all your lights should return to normal. If you can't find the leak try drawing a bigger box around everything so your sure it's closed.

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