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Yoda Saber trowing...


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I've been playing against bots, ffa and such...but I hate it when bots trow their saber and never come back..its just too easy to kill them even in jedi master level...I was wondering how I could change the Yoda (created by Team Yoda) so it won't trow his saber. Can we actually do this? Is there a file I need to edit with notepad etc?


Thanks in advance

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First off, it's spelled T-H-R-O-W.


I have this problem, too. Although not just with bots. I was in a JMod duel game once, and everybody kept losing their sabers. It was pretty boring watching two guys with one hand sticking out trying to kick each other to death. Heh...

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Just fix the bot's script file - look for a string of numbers that looks something like this:




Anyway, change the last 3 to 0, and he won't throw his lightsaber anymore. The numbers represent the forcepowerlevel for each force power, with saberthrow being the last one in the string.

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