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1.04 patch details....

Lyle Christine

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Hey ho, I just ran the 1.04 patch and then played a multiplayer game against my bots, but it appears I can no longer execute the move where you jump up in front of someone and kick them in the face which knocks them over. Is this part of what the patch is supposed to do and has anyone else encountered this? Thank you for your time and patience.

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No man, that's not supposed to be changed at all.

I take it you're reffering to what I call a kick which is performed the exact way you described.


If you're straight from 1.02, the change is that you have to click jump twice to kick, but I'm sure you know this already.


Another explanation is that you disabled force in your botmatch, which means you can't use lvl 2 jump so you can't kick.


Try practicing doing it on a wall, and try the sidekicks as well.

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Ho,ho...that Denmark thing is too funny! Don't mess with Denmark...heheh :) Holy crap, I forgot it was even a country. For now on, when I'm talking smack I'm going to say "Don't make me go Denmark on your ass!" :) He,he jus kiddin bub, don't go all Denmarky on me....

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Originally posted by SUPERLEN

Holy crap, I forgot it was even a country.


You know...


That quote is going to haunt you for the rest of your life...


Denmark has some pretty scary curling enthusiasts that wouldn't mind going all "Denmark on yo ass".... LMFAO!!!

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