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I'm guessing this has been asked before, but what the heck?(JediMod++ v3 saber pack)

Grets Sirob

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I downloaded the jedimod++ v3 and the saber pack for it, and have decided to play nothing else :D

Now my question is, why don't some of the sabers work?

It gives me this error(you want that don't you? greedy little...) and I either get a no shader texture, or it's like kyles saber texture is plastered on the model, and sometimes it seem like the model itself isn't working.

I could get you this error, but only if you need it.

So, excuse me if this has been asked before, but I only just thought to ask here(stupid huh?)

Thanks for all your help(in advance), I'd try to fix it myself, but I can't seem to figure it out... :(

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