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I hope this game has a sequel coming out....


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I hope this game has a sequel coming out for the Playstation 2 maybe or the current Playstation. All I want in the sequel are less jumping, maybe a ulimited blocking code, better dual shock vibration use, better graphics.

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Guest ShadeShifter

The sequel (if any), will probably come after Episode II.




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Guest Darth_Maul

Personally I'd like another fighting game, but have them take their time this time because taras kasi was fun, but almost any other fighting console game blew it out of the water.




Darth Maul

Dark Lord of the Sith Order


There is no peace, there is anger.

There is no fear, there is power.

There is no death, there is immortality.

There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.

-Dark Jedi Code

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Maybe we are do for a new classic trilogy adventure/action game.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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I think a sequel to Terras Kasi may be in order, I love that game, I still play it all the time. I'd love to fight Qui-Gonn against Vader or Skywalker, maybe Obi-Wan vs. Mara Jade, or Jar Jar vs. Chewbacca, nah, that'd be a massacre, anyways the possibilities are endless.



Nice kylilin.jpg

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Guest Darth_Maul

I thought I had heard a rumor of them creating one. And how many of us would love to beat the crap out of jar jar! Maybe even throw in a finishing move. "I find your lack of faith Disturbing" "Meesa Sowwy *gag* *gasp* *groan*" Muahahaha!




Darth Maul

Dark Lord of the Sith Order


Fear. Fear attracts the fearfull. The strong.....the weak....the innocent. Fear is my ally.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

There is a new version of JPB coming out for another platform smile.gif Hopefully they will sort out some of the bugs by then.

I cant wait. 10th of May suddenly seems so distant frown.gif



Hunger leads to donuts...




[This message has been edited by Darth_Simpson (edited May 02, 2000).]

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