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easy way to kill jedi on jk2


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Originally posted by Lightning

damn cheat users:mad:

Actually I dont cheat.Heck I dont even have the game yet,and wont cheat when I do get it.Right now im just exploring,reading everything about the game.And I was being sarcastic about cheats at gamefaqs.com.I just sorta picked a site.And watch your mouth.

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1) Use Lightning until you run out of force. Throw your saber (1-2) times.


2)If you have Jedimod, the orange style is quicker than the strong style but lacks only a fraction of it's punch. If this jedi is using strong style, the orange style is a great attack to use when they are winding up for the downward slash.


3) Fully charged Tenloss sniper mode.


4) Rocket from behind.


5) If you don't have the 1.04 patch, then medium style still has great spin moves. I was a master of the medium style, but now that I have the 1.04 patch, I'm having to learn different tactics, like #2.


6) Fast style lunge.

Hope this helps!

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Originally posted by hoverbeast

Actually I dont cheat.Heck I dont even have the game yet,and wont cheat when I do get it.Right now im just exploring,reading everything about the game.And I was being sarcastic about cheats at gamefaqs.com.I just sorta picked a site.And watch your mouth.


sorry i just hate people who cheat in game's

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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

3) Fully charged Tenloss sniper mode.



If the question was referring to the single-player game, I think all the reborn, etc will always dodoge shots from the sniper rifle. They will either dodge, or jump or whatever to get out of the way.

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Yep! They also tend to react to rockets even from behind.



My suggestion is watch how every reborn/shadowtrooper/boss fights.


i.e. Regular reborns are basicly cannon fodder, just swing and chances are theyll die ;)


Reborn fencers usually only use light stance meaning that they are very vaulnerable to the more powerful stances (Medium and heavy).


Acrobats and forceusers aren't much tougher then regualr reborns.


RebornBosses have all stances and alot of the force powers so watch out for them.


Shadowtroopers are the really great fighters out there be extra careful vs them.


As for Dessan and Tavion try to stay either 20 meters or 5 meters away from them. When your about 5 meters away they tend to use alota lightning/throws/pulls/pushes and I'd be best to avoid those, but outside 15 meters they cant get you if they wanted to, too far for pull/push/lightning/throws. Also force speed isn't really recommended vs Desann or Tavion unless they dont have their saber in their hand(They threw it) because when you use speed they will also use speed and in speed mode you can react nearly as fast as they can so they tend to slice u up.

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Originally posted by hoverbeast

Actually I dont cheat.Heck I dont even have the game yet,and wont cheat when I do get it.Right now im just exploring,reading everything about the game.And I was being sarcastic about cheats at gamefaqs.com.I just sorta picked a site.And watch your mouth.


Hey! :D Welcome to jk2 in advance.


Repeated Lunging is a quick way to kill Reborn...


Also Lightning against the Lower Reborns (it stops them in their tracks).


I personally wouldn't use weapons against them, but now that I have played some Jedi V Merc games I see that alt fire repeater/mines/rocket launchers/ and other explosive weapons are excellent Jedi eliminators...


However weapons make the Jedi go beserk and bust out Lightning or Grip on you (like Tavion did when I threw a thermal at her).

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If you have level 3 grip ( and thus push) use the grip toss.


In one quick motion grip, look up, let go of grip, hit push.


The victim should now be several stories in the air and soon will fall to his death.


Works on every enemy in the game except Desann and non-living stuff.

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1. Run backwards and have them follow you.


2. Start an overhead strong swing.


3. Stop right before the saber goes forward, try timing it so that the enemy is in the right range.



With a little practice it will work everytime.

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If you're talking single player, I found one of the easiest strategies is to simply use speed+fast (blue) stance and sweep side to side while attacking them from a diagonal or flanking on the side.


That works for 99% of the saber users you meet (tested on Jedi Knight difficulty).


As far as MP, it all depends on the lag and what strategies they are using. Refer to strategy sites for help.

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I wasn't talking about sp when I listed those strategies. I was talking about mp, seeing as I don't play sp anymore. But if you want sp strategies, fine.


1) fast style on reborn and shadowtroopers. There are lots of parries, and, seeing as the reborn are not really jedi, it usually only takes one good hit to kill them. Shadowtroopers are just a bit tougher, because they use the force more often and don't mind spamming lightning and grip.

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I wasn't talking about sp when I listed those strategies. I was talking about mp, seeing as I don't play sp anymore. But if you want sp strategies, fine.


- fast style on reborn and shadowtroopers. There are lots of parries, and, seeing as the reborn are not really jedi, it usually only takes one good hit to kill them. Shadowtroopers are just a bit tougher, because they use the force more often and don't mind spamming lightning and grip.

I've found that the shadowtroopers are not hard to beat if you can corner them. Their strength depends on their acrobatics and manuevers.


There! Ya happy?!

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