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An error even LucasArts hasn't heard of...


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CG = configuration well so i know of un less otherwise

and part was snapshot i figure something to do with maps when loading every time you load it says -----snapshot ----= something

so you have an error on the cd i suggest you get another game coz it is to do with the maps anyway i hope you fix it Good Luck

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  • 2 months later...

ive got this error a few times, i run a server and here recently when i try to connect to it i get this error or an unpure client in the server console. the only way i have been able to get in my own server when this happens is to restart my whole system, which is really strange that i get an unpure client when connecting to the same machine the server is on, i have the exact pk3 files

at first i thought it was due to most times this happened was when someone was downloading from the server but i dont think that is the case, even regulars are getting upure clients. but this is now another thread sorry

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Send ya game back with recipt and get another one because all i can say is there is an error on the CD because also what leads me to that is the fact no one else seems to get that error so if i was you i would send it back if it is a copy hey. Just download it again but this game is worth having the origional :D:duel:

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The read next snapshot is inregards to the positioning of players on the map. You get a snapshot when you first join the server so that you get in sync with everyone else. Are you on 56k? Or maybe you have bad packetloss? It basically means the server thinks you should be some where else.

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