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Poll Results

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

This thread will show full results from the Polls we run. If you have ideas for a Poll, please post them below.



Last poll, we asked:

'What type of SWGB game do you play most?'


1) Random Map (RM) - 47.7%

2) Death Match (DM) - 22.2%

3) Scenarios - 20.7%

4) Not fussy - 9.4%


From 392 votes.


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I think there should be a poll on whether the community would want the Republic Gunship as a second republic unique unit or left as it is. It would also be different from the poll run here because there would be a lot more people voting on a web poll, rather than a buzz board poll.

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It has already lost in the "A Gunship we can all live with" poll yet you insist on rambling on about it. You ramble about 3 versions of it in your ideas for GB2 thread, including a water version and a rediculously overpowered version.

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actually it hasnt lost anything. In that thread, it is exual first with the gunship as a toybox unit. That poll also shows that approximately 90% of members surveyed want the gunship to show its true abilities. Also, why are you too so afraid about putting it up as a poll on the web site, afraid you'll lose?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Ok. Im getting alittle sick and tired of this. I suggest you both start behaving.


The Republic already has the gunship - it's the fast fighter.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

You can stop asking for it period. 23 votes does not account for the overall view of GB.com forum visitors.


When I do polls, it's good to have peoples input but holding a poll about the Gunship - when the Republic already have one, is pointless.



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Originally posted by Darth Windu

actually it hasnt lost anything. In that thread, it is exual first with the gunship as a toybox unit. That poll also shows that approximately 90% of members surveyed want the gunship to show its true abilities. Also, why are you too so afraid about putting it up as a poll on the web site, afraid you'll lose?


Yes, it has. The Gunship UU has only 39% of the votes. The UU is what you refuse to shut up about, and it has lost. Btw your 90% figure is off. ~82% want some kind of gunship, not 90%. But that includes toybox and cheat, which are not nearly as gameplay-wrecking as you UU idea.


Actually, I would be fine with it as a poll, so that I can mock you mercilessly when it loses horribly. Which it will, beyond any doubt.

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darthmaul - take a look at the 'a gunship we can all live with' thread. Surely the poll there would indicate the vast majority of voters want it changed from its current position as fast fighter. All i want is to see how many would support it as the web site poll would have access to more people. As i said before, if they vote no, i will shut up about it, besides the poll is only up for one week right? What do you have to lose by humouring me?

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

Surely the poll there would indicate the vast majority of voters want it changed from its current position as fast fighter. ...

As i said before, if they vote no, i will shut up about it, besides the poll is only up for one week right? What do you have to lose by humouring me?


For the last time, a small minority of the votes want it changed from a fighter to a gunship UU. Adding a gunship toybox or cheat unit does not mean the fighter has to be changed, therefore no poll is needed. Why would they need a poll just to add a toybox unit? If they have time and release another patch (not likely) they might put it in, nothing else altered, so no opinion needed, just use it if you want to. Was a poll necessary for every toybox unit added in Clone Campaigns?

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simwiz - you cant use toybox units in normal games. Therefore there would need to be a poll to see if people want it in the toybox, as that would mean its removal from the standard game.


Why are so so scared about there being a web site poll? If you are correct, and the majority dont want it as a UU, i would shut up about the subject. The only possible reason i can see for your opposition to this poll is because you know you will lose.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

As far as I am concerned, the debate for a gunship is over. So far all I have is a thread that is again, just wasting space.






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dathmaul - all i ask is the opportunity to see the opinion of the fans who go to the website but not the boards. The poll here has shown having the gunship as a UU is popular, so why not ask the wider community? As i have said previously, it will not hurt you in any way, it would help to improve the game by seeing what the fans want, and if i am wrong you will not see a gunship thread posted by myself again.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

We asked:


Has the patch improved Clone Campaigns?


1) Yes - 56.6%

2) Not Sure - 30.1%

3) No difference - 11.0%

4) No - 2.3%


From 173 votes. Thanks for voting.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

(1) simwiz - you cant use toybox units in normal games. Therefore there would need to be a poll to see if people want it in the toybox, as that would mean its removal from the standard game.


(2) Why are so so scared about there being a web site poll? If you are correct, and the majority dont want it as a UU, i would shut up about the subject. (3)The only possible reason i can see for your opposition to this poll is because you know you will lose.


1 - You would not have to remove it (I am assuming IT is the current Gunship Fighter) from the standard game. There are AT-AT's in the toybox, does that mean that LA needs to find a new empire assault mech?


2 - I am not scared of anything, I am just so damn tired of seeing 90% of your posts have some reference to a stupid gunship. Actually, as I said before, I would find it quite amusing if a poll was posted and you lost miserably. Which is by far the most likely outcome of any gunship poll that would be posted.


3 - As for losing, take a look at your more recent poll (IIRC the fourth thread). Your gunship is doing so good on that poll, isn't it? :rolleyes: Well less than half of the people who voted want the gunship UU. I personally do not care what poll DMUK decides to put up next, I am just so annoyed by the fact that almost any thread you post in you whine about the gunship, or there being too many civs, or too many different units, or a nonexistant bug, etc. Using your logic if someone didn't have the time to play a zone game against you, they must be scared they would lose.

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Ok, i see your point about the toybox thing. As i said though, im not going to shut up about this issue any time soon, unless of course i can get a survey of a large group of GB fans. If there is a large majority against the gunship UU idea, i will stop asking for it. Simple as that.

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As i said before, if there is a poll which surveys a large group of GB fans, and the majority dont want the Gunship as a Republic UU, i will shut up about it. If a majority wants the Gunship as a Republic UU, then ive been right all along. Either way the only way im going to stop about the gunship is if there is a large poll, until then why should i?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

We asked:


What's your favourite Civilisation?


1st - 28.9% - Galactic Empire

2nd- 25.0% - Republic

3rd- 13.6% - Trade Federation

4th- 10.8% - Rebel Alliance

5th- 8.5% - Confederacy

6th - 5.3% - Royal Naboo

7th - 4.3% - Wookiees

8th - 3.7% - Gungans


From 627 votes. Thanks for voting.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

We asked:


Which unique unit do you think is the best in the game?


Droidekas 35.2%

Jedi Starfighter 17.0%

Dark Trooper 14.9%

Berserka 10.9%

Airspeeder 9.0%

Geonosian Warrior 6.3%

Faamba Shield 4.6%

Royal Crusader 2.1%


From 523 votes. Thanks for voting.

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