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Question, and off-topic thought.

Guest lancer one

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Guest lancer one

Hey everyone. I am having -such- a hard time beating Maul with Adi. I keep trying the square-square-square combo and then running, but everytime I try he gets a massive combo on me. Can anyone give me some help?


Also, I know some of you have played Masters of Teras Kasi. I think it would have been better had the gameplay been more along the lines of Bushido Blade. Bushido Blade is my favorite fighting game, due to the fact that one hit and cripple an arm, leg, or even kill you. Anyways, would anyone else like to see a Star Wars dueling game in the Bushido Blade fashion?


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Guest Shinigami

try square-square-x-x if you have it. If you dont, square-square-x will work



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Guest ShadeShifter

When he starts to do a combo use your long range force power. It'll will break up the combo. Plus, you might want to try using a Triangle, Triangle combo.




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Guest Darth Wart

hmmmmmm. Bushido Blade? Is that for PSX?


I'm looking for a new game; I was gonna buy a GameShark but I changed my mind.


I was told TPM sucks, but that "Force Commander" was really good.


Obviously, I prefer SW games. Any suggestions anybody?





There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest lancer one

Bushido Blade is for PSX..in it you play as a member of a house of assassins in Japan, and choose from 9 (I think) weapons. Bushido Blade 2 takes a step back, in that you can't "clip" your opponent's leg. It's a fun fighting game, although some battles can be -extremely- short.


I'm still having trouble with Adi against Maul. I've found that X-X-triangle-triangle seems to work best for me, but he always manages to wear me down. Argh...it's frustrating, but I'm still trying.

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Guest lancer one

Oh yeah..and I agree that a lightsaber would be more likely to completely slice off the arm or leg, but there is very -very- little chance of LEC putting that in a game.


Has anyone else noticed that Maul's saber is slightly curved near the ends? And I noticed that every now and then, Adi's saber goes RIGHT THROUGH Maul. It doesn't hurt him at all, even if the attack goes right through his torso. Now that sucks.

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Guest Darth Wart

Hey, Lancer One:


this is what I wrote in that guide about that:


 To beat Maul with Adi, use square square square three times quickly. Then back off! Wait until he approaches you again, then square square square again, repeat, repeat. Do not add anything to the square square square’s, and be sure to get out of there (un-locked-on) after just three. Him whacking you as you retreat is unavoidable, I think. Remember, if you get greedy here, you’ll get nailed. I’m not saying this operation is easy, just possible. I’ve also noticed that this square square square thing works best if you’re just to his left, not locked on and centered. Your first stroke seems to hit him faster that way, opening up the possibility of your getting in a few more whacks.


just in case you hadn't read it.


i didn't notice that about Maul's lightsaber, but I did notice that his fly is open on Tatooine....



There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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