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Dest, a question and comments on the new jedimod 1.2


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First let me say that your new version of jedimod 1.2 simply kicks azz!


I did a cvarlist mod_ and found a few cvars that were not in the readme files.


What does mod_funbolt do and how do you use it?


How do you use mod_timescale and what exactly does it do? I tried setting it as low as .2 and as high as 4 but I did not notice any difference.


Now for some good stuff (some new and some old) -


mod_nerflunge "0" // now we can lunge in mid-air once again!


mod_funKick ".6" // lower kick damage


mod_blockThrow "1" // give SOME skill to throw by requiring good timing :D


mod_nerfspin "0" // allow players to spin while in a backsweep so that you dont look like you just stepped in concrete


mod_nerfbs "1" // less damage for backsweep then in 103 but more then in 104


mod_grapple "2" // the grappling hook is just fun but I still have to see if people abuse it...


mod_pushall "1" // push some items besides players


mod_boxing "1" // punch someone if they have homosexual tendancies :D


mod_duelshields "25" // get 25 shields after you win a duel :cool:


mod_multiduels "1" // multiple private duels in FFA


mod_extraStances "0" // no extra stances for single saber


mod_allstances "0" // when you have the dualblade or duelsaber you only get the 2 single handed stances. Great for ballance!


mod_dualbsScale ".8" // lower damage for dualblade backsweeps


mod_blockScale "1.0" // adjust the amount of blocking


...and of course the new cheat protection is good as well as the emotes and saber hilts.


So great job and a great mod! :)

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