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i quit


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There, there, iifuzz, you have my sympathy. Poor little thing.


That's all you wanted, after all. Right?


Hehe! I'm proud to be a twat-eyed ass-muncher! ...Or was that a twat-assed eye-muncher?


Seriously, get a life. You certainly won't find one here.

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im still gonna model, just not for jk2. I am thinking of either half life or some other game thats out. And you cant say the words, the forum puts the **** there for you. Next, if you dont know what i have made.


Kill Tracker

Kill tracker source code

mace windu saber hilt

qui gon saber hilt

spiked saber hilt

adi mula(or however its spelled) saber hlit

gold saber hilt

Maul skull saber hilt


and uhhh probably some other **** i forgot


and whats the url for that 3d buzz website

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Wow! I wouldn't have guessed that you were the author of Kill Tracker AND the Kill Tracker Source Code! ;)


cROsIs** said that if you had the 'ballz' then you WOULDN'T say the words. It's obvious you're being an immature foulmouth. Can't respect that.


Half Life. Yeah, right. There's no future there. Try UT 2003 or something.


If you can't find any justification for staying here, why are you trying to justify leaving?


Begone...still, I see no reason to.

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who gives a rats ass about saber hilts anyway? they are a piece of piss to make, (what is it? about 300 polys?) but you dont even see them in the game, it doesnt make any difference because they are so small...its a fine detail thats just not worth it in my opinion.


and also, since i'm ranting already, the 1.04 patch made jk2 much better than the original, it stopped cheating scumm using force-pull/backstab moves to get scumm kills, and it fixed many other silly little bugs that people exploited because they were not skilled at playing the game. It's much more fun that it ever was

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Why don't you guys show him some respect, he's leaving and all he asked for was a good-bye

and a well deserved one if you ask me

whether you download saber hilts or not, he took the time out to make them, and for what price?



Good Bye iifuzz, and may I suggest maybe modelling for Condition Zero when it comes out

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Originally posted by Bungalow

Why don't you guys show him some respect, he's leaving and all he asked for was a good-bye

and a well deserved one if you ask me

whether you download saber hilts or not, he took the time out to make them, and for what price?



Good Bye iifuzz, and may I suggest maybe modelling for Condition Zero when it comes out


I agree whole heartedly I'll still IM you Fuzz :D

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