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Recreation of Movie duels (read)


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Hello fellow Jediknight Players. I am currently working on getting a team of dedicated players together to act out various parts. I need people to act out the final duels of Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 5 and Episode 6. I will be recording these and then editing them, then converting them to MPG. These will be high quality videos. My goal is to make it look as good as (or if possable) better then the original. If you are intrested, please email me. reply here. Or Message me on the zone JP_MaXiN30. We will get organized on the zone. You will get recognition in the credits for your effort. who knows, maybe these will go worldwide and become popular or somthing... Hope you guys are intrested. And I hope to hear from you soon. Oh and please, know the parts. :D Have a Nice Day :nutz3:

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Alright... Want more details....


ok this is how its going to happen.


1. We all get on the zone and meet in a room.


2. You guys all practice out your moves in the game, then we vote for who we think plays the role best.


3. you guys starting doing what they do in the movie, just try to copy all their moves, And I record it all.


4. Once we get a demo recorded, I then convert it into an AVI.


5. I edit the Avi with Adobe Premier


6. I sabe it and then convert it to an MPG.


7. We all enjoy the final product, which is planned to look somewhat like it did in the move...


If you have anymore questions feel free to ask... Just ask me on AIM (aol instant messanger) Or Windows Messenger, Or just message me on the zone JP_MaXiN30.

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