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Don't miss out, this may be your only chance!


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As Star Wars: Galaxies gets closer to release, most people of the community can already feel the intensity of this soon-to-be instant hit game. Promising to give players a view of the Star Wars universe as never before seen, this massively multiplayer title will be filled with unique challenges and opportunities available to every player.


Wheatear you plan to be a casual gamer, or hardcore noon-to-midnight fanatic, the choices that you make, large or small, will surely affect your entire game. This includes such things as what weapons to use, what skills to invest experience points into, and what player association to join.


True to the fact that SW:G will be filled with numerous PAs, you will have to acknowledge the fact that the majority of these poorly organized factions will only make ripples in the oceans of the vast galaxies.


This is why I come here today, to give every player and member of the community the chance to become an official member of the largest, and most promising player association ever seen in the history of this game. The Galactic Conglomerate has already shown to the community the intensity in its commitment and goal to becoming the most powerful, and largest association known to SW:G.


Already the largest PA listed with 72 dedicated members, the Galactic Conglomerate is searching for a remaining 28 persons to fill in the open slots in its membership. If you have wanted to join a PA with an organized and well-defined goal, then the Galactic Conglomerate will be right for you. Unlike other PAs that have a broad outline of what they plan to do in the game, the Galactic Conglomerate will have such things as, a self supporting economy, a monthly pay-check for dedicated members, and an important role in all events in the galaxy. This is a ONE TIME opportunity, so be sure you aren’t left out, as these positions will fill up fast!


If you feel that you can provide help and support for the team, please visit our site here: http://www.swgalaxies.net/guilds/guild.php3?id=74


To become a member, click on the 'Join' button and be sure to send in an e-mail that states:

1) Your primary e-mail address

2) Your swgalaxies.net ID

3) Your intended profession(s)

4) How long you can play SW:G on an average day

5) That you were recruited by me, MetaBeta

6) Any questions\comments


Have fun!

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i'ma have to agree w/ewok here...not only are there a ****load of stuff just like yours, but in all reality, i feel the need to be skeptical of your PA. First, i find it hard to believe that don't have an official website goin...with the vast usefulness of your own website (from better organization to giving a more professional look or what have you), you would have much more credibillity if nothing else. your PA seems to have just about as much organization as any PA right now - no more, & possibly less...anybody can say that they have systems worked out, but few are yet to prove it by backin up what they say with detailed explanations of their plans. Also, the only true attraction for your PA seems to be your numbers, and this is often misleading...if you think about it, it is the large PA's w/joining processes such as yours that fall, for with a smal PA, there is a strong sense of community, and not only is there community, but also ease in preventing rebellion & uprisings and whatnot, for everyone who is admitted into the PA is checked much more rigorously, and will be much better known by the time the game comes out....however, with massive amounts of ppl on a joining process such as yours, the only possible way to control them all would be in a sort of neo-fascism that would require 24/7 policing of all members


good luck ;)

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ah....what was your goal again? Cause if it's to have alot of people, that's not very ambitious......and on top of that, how have you shown the community that you all are committed? my pa has way more action going on in this forum then yours...

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Gaalgoth, this message was simply posted as a means to recruit people. The last thing needed right now is a verbal conflict between PA's and individuals. Not to say that anyone has made any statements intended to create an argument, I am just posting this as a deturence against it.


I will be happy to answer any questions that any one has so long as they are in the interest of membership.

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too shay, ewok (yeah yeah my spelling blows) and meta, I'm not trying to start a conflict, sorry if it came out that way. all I'm saying is that I've seen two posts from different people for the galactic conglomerate, both saying that you are active in the community, and both of you (the posters) ahving less then ten posts. It just seems odd to me....

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haha, yeah, i actually did that ewok and i've been humbled. I apologize, metabeta. Just like I've said, I've seen two recruiters with almost no posts and both saying that you're influential.....I hadn't seen your boards as of then, but now I see that you actually are well structured. However, other then having a lot of people you are not yet influential, at least from what i've seen. That's not to say that you won't ever be, of course. =)

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hmm, lets see if there are say, 12000 people who get the game at release and they are split up eavenly between the worlds, but this PA say is based all on one planet, that would be about 1000 people per world. with 100 people out of 1000 that would be fairly influential. *these are just #s pulled out of thin air, nothing negative ment by them, ect...*

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