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How Many Radiant units = 20m?


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real world measurements don't seem to translate too well into quake games. Certain elements need to be bigger than life to look right, and certain things need to be smaller as well. Trying to impose real world dimensions into a map usually ends up making it a pain in the ass to navigate.


Doors are the easiest example. Real world doors seem to be about four or five feet wide, which translates to something like 55 units in quake. However in game a player will frequently get stuck trying to fit through on a door that narrow, usually you need 128 units before it's easy to pass through.

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Thanks - Yeah, I had it worked out at just over 640 units, but it's just way too small, so I loaded in the imperial shuttle model for reference and used that as my guide.


I will release this creation as a pre-fab once I get it textured and released with my Anchorhead map.



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