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"Failed CheckSum check for chunk" error, plz help


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Hi. I recently added 256mb more ram to my system, as well as poped out a 1ghz duron and poped in a athlon xp 1800+. When i go to load my saved file in single player jk2, i get the messege "Failed checksum check for chunk". Ayone know how to fix this?? Do i have to edit a config file and tell it of my memory upgrade? What can i do.

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:mad: I am having the exact same problem. The same wierd stuff is happening with lots of other games on my computer. Unfortunately I get the feeling that all the blame can be placed on that athlon xp 1800 chip. I have the same hardware and none of my problems started until i installed that chip and the new motherboard. I wish i knew what to do now.
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Yeah redwolf, I started with a clean system. I had to wipe the hard drive and someone helped me install an updated bios version. That wasnt the end of it though. three weeks later the cpu started to smoke. i took it into the hardware store and they told me that i had plenty of fans on it and that it was a one in a million thing. Personally i think it was the athlon brand. At any rate they gave me replacements of everything, but my system has never been as reliable as when i had a pentium. These are my system specs if that helps: Athlon xp 1800+, Asus A7V133-C motherboard, Western Digital 7200 rpm hard drive, Geforce 4 440 mx, and all running on windows xp(not to reliable either). Good luck redwolf.


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Thanks for the help. Fortunately Blizzard came to my rescue and told me via e-mail that it was quite simple. uninstall all my games including config files for them, and saved games, then unistall all ATI drivers, and start with a clean control pannel and driver set, and it worked. As far a stability, it seems to be improving, im re-installing programs, i set bios to default optimized settings and switched the speed back over to 133/133/33. (when choosing optimized defauts the bus falls back to 100mhz). Everything seems to be getting better, cleaned up the harddrive and all. Im sure that your Intel was much more reliable though. Ive never used intel chips :cool: i like AMD. Glad it worked out fo us though. Later.

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