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Please Fix The Clonetroopers!!


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capnkeg made some EXCELLENT clonetrooper models and we all know that the sabers are messed up. please somebody make these correct (there was another post like this but this post is to ask to correct them) so if anyone is out there that can fix em, please do it. thank you.


ps: here is a link to them if u dont know what models im talking about (cause there are more than 1 type of clonetrooper out)



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Yeah, I would tend to agree with the whole "pester him directly" approach, seeing how I'm the only one who has the max files needed to fix it anyway. The truth is, when I uploaded the files to jkii.net, I had no idea that the sabers were screwed up. I never did notice it until 5 or 6 days later (the day they were actually posted to the board). I fixed the file (only took two minutes) and resubmitted it ages ago but it musta gotten lost in the mix. I'll send out another one ... hopefully it'll have better luck.

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Well, I would send you one directly, but I decided to wipe the dust off my clonetrooper files and mess around with it a little bit. You know, just change a couple of those small details that just ... well, bug the crap out of me! I should be done with it by tomorrow evening, at which time I'll send it here, to jk2files.com (thanks deetox), and directly into your mailbox.

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Okay, I fixed the saber problem and now everything seems to be working correctly. If anyone would like to download the file from my webpage, here it is.


updated clones


Please give me some feedback as to whether or not you think the problem has been sufficiently fixed. If everything's okay then I'll upload it to the jk2 sites. Thanks



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