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WIP: Trinity


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well if noone has started them i was planning to do Neo then Morpheus after Trinity :p btw for those of u wondering wut happened to my final tweak update, its ready, im only waiting for twins of doom to get online so i can post the pics :D

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cool i think ive seen that b4... but i dont think my model looks like it at all... maybe they look a bit alike (afterall she IS trinity)but i think mines way more detailed and accurate... once i release the model then ull see...

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Originally posted by oddjob: A-Team


I wonder where you got the Neo model now...


umm WTF.... r u accusing me of stealing models!!! WTF!!!!!! u know theres also like a few diff anakins out there r u saying then they stole each other's models !!! dont accuse ppl u idiot!!!!!!!

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Yes, I am saying that you stole trinity. Those are screenshots of the trinity model released for my mod Action Half-Life that I decompiled in Milkshape and then exported into Max. And I invite any modeler out there that doesn't belive me to do the same. It doesn't just bare passing resemblance to yours because they are from the same subject. They are very obviously the same model. You just pushed and pulled a few verts and turned a couple of edges. That's IT. And of course, you added the Jedi Knights hands from some model, probably Kyle.


See, you might have pulled it off if somebody that hadn't worked extensively with that model didn't frequent this board. But you can't fool the lead modeler on said mod. Or any other modeler of any worth that takes a look at the mesh from the AHL model and compares it with yours. See, when making a model you make a bunch of choices on how to change your raw poly's into a recognizable form. Those choices are what make those Anakin models OBVIOUSLY different even though they come from the same subject. But aside from the few verts and edges you have manipulated, your model is, vert by vert, edge by edge, EXACTLY like the AHL/HL one. And that doesn't just 'happen'. Hell, look at the your and my side renders. The stance is exactly the same. You didn't change the profile at all.


Go away FRAUD.

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lets say that he did take trinity, did you not just say that it was open for any modelers to take? If so, then dont flame him for stealing your model when you released it, and if he did, simply give the original host credit for the base, and yourself credit for making it better. geezus

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Model Update



i said this is gonna be my final tweak update, but i decided maybe (just maybe) i might do 1 last one to the mesh as there r some parts im still not happy with, made boot taller, fixed crotch area, fixed face, fixed arm, added her pistols,fixed belt, fixed armpits, fixed the butt more (should be perfect now) anyways here r the pics:




Current Vert Count: 2675

Current Poly Count: 4473






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1) now how in the hell does that look 'exactly' like urs?

2) i just chked that model u claimed i 'stole' its polycount is NOWHERE EVEN CLOSE to the ones i have right now... if u said all i did was 'pull a few verts and turned some faces pls tell me how the hell does mine look way more detailed

3) heres a model of super high quality jarjarbinks model made by Valtteri & Hannu http://www.theforce.net/scifi3d/starwars/characters.htm

when i first looked at it i thought it was the same one that Major Clod, then i realised they werent the same... even tho they almost looked exactly the same they were in fact different can u say that he stole the jarjar model then?

4) i fail to see how in any of the views that my model looked 'exactly like urs' and that i 'didnt even change a thing' maybe u have bad eyes but they look quite diff to me...

5)i urge fellow modelers out there to come and judge this!

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Originally posted by Mix_Master2k

lets say that he did take trinity, did you not just say that it was open for any modelers to take? If so, then dont flame him for stealing your model when you released it, and if he did, simply give the original host credit for the base, and yourself credit for making it better. geezus


There is a HUGE difference between releasing a model for download and using it for playing the game and STEALING a model and passing it off as your own. And unless he get's permission from Neal 'Guplik' Corbett, the original creator of the model, what he is doing is not only unethical, it's also really pathetically stupid. Especially when he thinks that real modelers won't notice.

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Why don't you post the first shots you posted again? The ones that you so convieniently took down. So everybody can see in even MORE detail how it's just a rip off of the HL model. The once from before your 'tweaks'.


Sure, you can do little changes to make it look a little different. Add the hands from a Jedi Knight model, make the breasts bigger, shorten the heel on the boots, add the little crappy looking hair hanging down in her face, and fit the model to the JKII skeleton but the basic underlying mesh is the same. Look at the head. Every polygon is in exactly the same position and is exactly the same relative size.


If you can't see it, then perhaps trust a real modeler.

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It's only pointless if you aren't the one being ripped off. If it were YOUR model being ripped off then perhaps you would be sining a different tune.


Hell, this whole thing might not even be an issue if he would just contact the original author. He's pretty cool and probably wouldn't mind it being converted to JKII. But the right thing to do is ask.

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......wut ur saying is over the limits... so ie. u can also say: o that anakin model, u just moved a few verts, turned some faces, made somethings bigger, added this, added that blah blah blah...

and ya i still have those pics b4 the tweak and they still look very diff... and ya i trust experenced modelers, let them come and see... u believe wutever u want to believe, just as long as u stop acuusing ppl... and i am definately innocent...

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EVERYBODY stop this please!!!


K-Man has a right to shut this thread down seeing as there hasnt been any updates for a while and NONE of this talk is about the progress of this model... its just about who copied what from whom.


So Oreo, if you want this thread to die, fine, but STOP ARGUING for the sake of humanity *takes a breath*


If you guys wanna continue arguing, do it in PMs, not in a modeling thread

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