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Lord of The Rings Models????


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Dude. .. you gotta read the thread.


KMan already offered to do JUST that:


Originally posted by kman@polycount

Post me some good hi-res & hi-qual pics of Aragorn and I might make a model w/ skin. Otherwise I go back to my plans of the Belgariad




KMan, what kind of pics would you need? Side profile? front face? full body? ?

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Head shots






Best I can do. I'm not a modeler or a skinner, so if I knew what you needed them for I might understand a bit better what I need to find.



ANd if you need them for reference to build a mdel, this site will help you immensely I think.



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Hmm. I'd say that was a bit harsh. Everybody needs to start somewhere. I'm a newbie to modelling/UVWMapping,skinning; I'm just now teaching myself how to UVW map my elf: http://jitd.fragland.net/php/upload...he_elfchek2.jpg Nobody really has been there to help, and the tutorials I found aren't very good.


I don't think you quite understood what I meant. I meant if you cannot teach yourself how to UVW map with all of the resources available on the web, you probably shouldn't be modelling in the first place. People will learn how to do it, just like you are, through these resources, and there are plenty out there, it just takes practice. If you can't pick up at least the basics from these things, how are you going to be able to make good models? You can't expect to be spoon fed the details.

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Roger. I agree: you can't be spoon fed details, but I've been stuck many times along the way so far with stupid little roadblocks that appear simple to pass in hindsight. It would have been nice at the time to have a veteran (or even a detailed tutorial) to get through those rough times.


However, I think it's lazy to only want to turn out models without even trying to learn the rest (i.e. UVW mapping, skiining, weighting. . . ). PLUS, I think you'd be missing out on a learning experience, AND a whole lot of fun/satisfaction not to do it.


I hope I can see my models through to the finished product - IN game.

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Originally posted by kman@polycount

Post me some good hi-res & hi-qual pics of Aragorn and I might make a model w/ skin. Otherwise I go back to my plans of the Belgariad


Eddings is the MAN. Do the Belgariad/Mallorean, my good man!

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Someone please make a Sauron model... I would do it, but I suck at anything close to art.... And I mean, I really suck.


I found this page:




Hope you can use the pictures to make some great models.


Maybe some ring wraiths... but at least a Sauron model... that would be great.


See ya on the net :D

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Originally posted by Delmar


Eddings is the MAN. Do the Belgariad/Mallorean, my good man!


I want to make a game using the story and characters, but since I don't have the books on me (my wife lent them to her manager. He was supposed to read it over a month ago. Gotta get em back) so I don't have the information I need. Off topic, but if you can find me some good sites that have detailed character descriptions for the Belgariad, that would help me alot. I want to go for a slightly stylized appearance (not so much like the hobbit game that is in development) but somewhere along those lines.

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Gosh :p


David and Leigh Eddings wrote these books, 12 books for one cast. As well as another 6 book series. :)]


There may be sites with the decriptions....there really are no solid pics, or illustrations. Just take the initials and use your imagination.


::imagines Barak holding a lightsaber::


hee hee



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