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Sorosuub Systems -An Imperial Corporation Serving Imperials!-


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It seems many of the PAs on this forum are sorta whittering away. If anyone finds themselves looking for a new elite PA, SS is the place to be. Also SS is negotiating contracts with Imperial PAs, two or 3 lucky PAs will have the sole rights to purchasing SS technology.


Sorosuub Systems is a Corporation, aligned with, and supplying, other imperial organizations. The main focus of SS is building and designing weaposn and vehicles. We plan on being the premiere weapons PA in SWG, and I'm hell bent on getting us there. W


So do you just have builders and no army?

Ofcourse not. SS is a highly facist group, employing 2 units specifically for military purposes.


The Soroguard is our elite groud unit. Ranging from teras kasi artists to marksmen, SG will be a balanced veteran force with the latest and greatest sorosuub technology.


The Sorocorps is our Armored division. Sorocorps members will be pilots of ground vehicles, speeders, and(when the space expansion comes out) fighters or capital ships. In the meantime, SC will be the armored division that reinforces and scouts for the Soroguard.


So how do you join?

Well currently our webpage is under heavy construction, but that won't last long and we will have a great page up soon(w/flash buttons and intro). In the meantime, you can e-mail me at sorosuubsystems@yahoo.com or post on our forums which will be up in a day or so at http://www.nhgf.net/starwars/ikonbo...ffff;act=SC;c=6



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One problem I can htink of theres a possibilty that Sorusub will be a NPC ran company thats hard coded into the game besides from that sound great, and you mentioned that you where seeking alliances? If so me and my compatriots would liek to speek further with you. there is a link to the web site and the bottom of my sig.

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