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JK2 Expansion Pack in the Works?!


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Don't mean to get anyone overly excited, and this is my first post here so excuse me if this has already been brought up, but... I'm _sure_ I read somewhere that work was taking place on an official Mysteries of the Sith stylee expansion pack for Jedi Knight 2. However, I can't find either my original source (think I read it in a magazine in a shop) or confirmation anywhere on the net. Anyone heard anything?!



Dan Marshall

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Found it - it was in last month's PC Gamer (UK) under "This month in FPS". An extremely vague reference, mostly taken up with a bad joke about the teeth in JK2. Still, I guess they know better than I. Fingers crossed, everyone. And in reply to the thread about Is Kyle too Old?, I still say NO. Characterise that man some more and expansion pack his JK2 ass.

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I believe the phrase they used was "could be in the works", but I may be wrong. I was kinda hoping they'd do one in time to bundle with the console release, but unless they're keeping it VERY quiet it doesn't look like that's happening. No matter how much sense it makes. Surely interest in JK2 is enough to warrant a new story?!

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