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MOD problem


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Is anybody else having a problem with jedimod++2.2 or any jedimod. It crashes my server randomly for no apparent reason. It happens at least once a day. there is even this one little bug that occurs. soemtimes your saber will get way from you and not come back

it will keep spinning off into the distance. soemtimes it will hang in the air in front and just stay there while you jump around likean idiot with your hand out trying to pull it back when it wont come back.


So I have two ?'s

Is this a prob that other ppl also experience?

Is there another mod so i can use yoda that isnt filled with bugs?no offence to jedimod. i luv the mod but when it crashed during clan battles or weird **** starts occuring i have no choice but to lose it.

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I have seen the same things! People randomly loose their saber after being thrown. The other wierd thing is sometimes people will respawn with their saber in a permanant "saberlock". It just throws sparks everywhere for no reason. The only way to get rid of it is to reconnect. As for any other mod running a yoda to scale...we are out of luck until Raven does it themselves or something better comes along. As for the crashes I have seen none as of yet.:(

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I was having lots of crashes too. I was using my old jedi runner batch to start the game. I made a new jedi runner config and a new batch and since then no more random crashes (for the last 3 days at least). I also did a mod cvar list in the console and copied all the cvars into my autoexec file and set all the cvars to the value I wanted. Before this my server would randomly crash when changing levels, and some other wierd stuff.

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