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New Map: CTF_DAGOBAH come see


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Hey everyone, as was posted a few days ago on the front page, i've been working on a map titled ctf_dagobah, go take a gander at the screenies if you havent seen it yet. Well Jediknightii.net has yet to post it (OR the ctf map i sent them before that named ctf_pipes), but outcast maps has hosted it and you can check it out over at: http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/file.php?id=465

Download and it and give it a whirl before you vote on it, the screenshots don't do it justice, we've played a couple games on it and it's actually quite fun (the best is pushing someone into the water, and then pushing/pulling them when they try to get out until they drown lol). Give it a try though, i'm sick of people looking at and giving it a 5 without even trying it, (or having other mappers who hate everything except their own work rank it as a 1), somehow the first 6 votes on my map happened to have an average of one...so that's why it's ranked so low:(.

Anyways give it a shot, it's a cool map. and check out Pipe Dreams, and Star Destroyer Hangar K-4 if you'd like to see some of my other work. Thanks!


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Looks interesting. I'd like to mention something though... it really looks too "square"...like a closed in cell. You should make the water more realistic, as in, not a solid straight line that holds it in. Have it branch out here and there, and make people able to "explore" a bit, but still not too much where they get lost (should be able to see the middle of the map from the walls, but still be far enough from it to make it feel like a jungle/swamp). I used to make maps, and I know how making mountain-like walls are...but that really helps on the outside maps for zone walls. Perhaps one of the zone walls actually being a drop off where you can fall to your doom?


Just some suggestions.

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