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Who else misses the Adventurer?

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I'm sure everyone remembers the newspaper-turned-mini-magazine that used to come with LucasArts games during the good ol' days. Granted, half of it was a catalog, but the non-catalog half used to be the equivelant of the prize in the cereal box to me; interviews with LA employees (similar to the Profiles that the 20th Anniversary web page is doing), behind the scenes peeks at upcoming titles (anyone else remember the early screenshots of The Dig featuring five crew members in multi-colored space suits?), and to top it all off a Sam and Max comic.


Those were the days, eh?

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Bitrate give a pretty good description of what it was in the original post. I think I only had a couple games that I got it in (think in the early MI series, though I could be wrong). Basically it was a little newspaper that talked about some of the goings-on at LucasArts (current projects, new games, interviews, and the like).



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