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The weapons in the game are great! But I want more. instead of just the imperial blaster, how about Han's blaster, Rebel Hoth blaster rifles, leia's blaster, Clone Trooper blasters and Trade Federation blasters. Plus, I want to add reloading so that the game can be more realistic, like Counter-Strike, or Tac-Ops.


(by the way, thermal detonators should be switched with concussion grenades because in several books thermal detonators are described as being much more explosive than just the grenades that they are in the game)

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Oh.... s***... you mean "add more authentic weapons" lol Actually I think someone is working on Han's blaster, but I could be wrong... Check around in this forum and see what all you can find... But, I'm curious; has anyone ever actually seen someone reload a blaster in Star Wars...?





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I don't think that anyone has ever reloaded a blaster in the movies, but the evidence is there.


All over the extended material, there are references to limited ammo.


All of the weapons have "clips"/magazines.


I could work out the code and the models, but if someone could make animations, and make the models work in the game, that would be great. (I'll need a skinner, mabee)

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Originally posted by MeLoN

Realistic like counter strike..... haha..... hehe.... shoot. I needed that. Counter strike.... realistic..... hahaha......... hehe.



about reloading detracting form gameplay, i think it will improve, because there will be less (just a tad :p) mindless gunning. also, i think that smarter homing missles would be good, and by smarter i mean won't attempt to chase a player through a wall, they'd actually turn corners and continue following. :)

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

smarter homing missles would be good, and by smarter i mean won't attempt to chase a player through a wall, they'd actually turn corners and continue following. :)


Would be nice... (maybe... but a bit.... how would you

dodge that ?)




But... something...


All weapons should have dispercion


And that dispercion should change depending what

you are doing...


If you stand still and you fire one shot then there

are minimal dispercion


but if you walk then dispercion gets a bit higher and if

you run then it get a lot higher and if you jump/land

then that dispercion should get "terrible"


And when it gets higher it should happen immediately

but dropping shouldn't be so fast...


And firing should add in to that dispercion too...

(some sort of recoil effect..)







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The thing about the movies is that in order to maintain the story, the heros couldn't worry about reloading. I think that Lucas was trying to make it "inferred" that they reload between scenes.



I bought Unreal Tournament a while back, and once I started playing Tac Ops, I never went back. The thrill of worrying about having that shotgun run out of shells in the middle of a bunch of enemies......


Anyway, the repeater would have to be reloaded, somehow, but that could be figured out. The Golan Arms Flechett (sp?) Gun might not have to be reloaded, but if it was, it would be better for the people at the business end of it. (How many times have I wasted several dark jedi only to be killed by one bot with a Flechett gun) Reloading definitely adds more strategy to the game.


About the extra weapons: I am obsessed with firearms, so I just thought that there should be more, the game has everything that you need, but in the real Star Wars universe, there are so many different blasters, and you wouldn't use the imperial one on Narr Shaadaa.

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Originally posted by Shogun Lee

I think a manualy guided missile launcher like the nikita would be good.


I always think reloading is annoying cos there is nothing worse than saying "sh!t out of ammo" and then defenceless, someone fires and hits you.

a manual controlled missle would be cool, but difficult. and you get plenty of ammo, if you blast through it all, you should revise your tactics. :p

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Of course Blasters need reloading, they use plasma gas cartridges and a power cell, what you think blaster bolts are? self sustaining energy? lol


The Visual Dictionary states that the E-11 Stormy rifle has a power cell with enough charge for 100 shots and a 500 shot plasma gas cartridge, so reloading would be a nice and realistic feature.


Also if they werent reloaded did you think that they just threw the weapon away when empty lol :rolleyes:

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The blaster 'clips' are called "ammunition cells". they are small cylindrical tubes that slide up into the grip of the weapon. like modern day hand guns, but instead of a rectangular clip, its round, stout and has rings up and down the shaft. sorry i have no pics for ya

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