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WIP Kit Fisto's Lightsaber (mine)

Darth Stryke

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I have started making a lightsaber model of Kit Fisto's lightsaber (mace's in Ep1) and it is going very well, I should be posting pics soon. I am new to modeling, however, so I have 2 small problems I must fix before I can get them up. First off, when I try to test the sabre in game the blade comes out of kyle's leg or somewhere else when I ignite the sabre, but never out of the emitter like its supposed to. My other problem is I can not figure out to get the skins working on it, I am using milkshape, the enwest version, and this is my first model ever so any help would be hot. Thanks.




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Okay, for those of you who have read this (not many), I have managed to get a working skin on the saber, which I call version one. But, until I get photoshop (soon), it is not very good, however, I will post some pics as soon as I find a good place to host them (suggestions welcome here) That's all for now.



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Here ya go, this is an image of the model in Milkshape with the pre-textures (cheap textures done in paint just so I could get a screenshot up) Hopefully I will have an update done soon with better texturing and hopefully improving on a few problems I have with the model (adding a belt clip for one) Please feel free to make comments/suggestions CONSTRUCTIVELY, bear in mind this is my frist model for JK2.


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Impressive. Most impressive. Are you sure you've never modelled before? This is, quite frankly, incredible for a first model. try to make it shorter though. This isn't a direct link but go to http://www.thelightsaber.com and go to the lightsaber histories page. EXCELLENT reffrence picture of his lightsaber. good luck. I'm going to be watching this closely.

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Well, I have updated the model to fix some details to make it more accurate and a bit shorter and I did a LOD model and got them both working well in the game. (except tectures) As soon as I get the textures straight, I should be posting an in-game pic soon (Some textures won't show up, I think I need to darken them a bit) Anyways, with that said, these, are of the newest version in Milkshape and thanks goes to everyone that has helped me thus far with tutorial links (quamosity) and other tips and refersence pics (GabrielXen and DragonLancer) Hopefully I will have photoshop soon (taking a while to D/L) and the textures will be a lot better then. Thanks for the help again and I'll try to update A.S.A.P.




Screen #1







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The poly count is very high-so high I am not going to mention at this time, but I will say this-I am on what would be considered a low-end machine (almost minimum system reqs) and it works fine, however, I plan to chop off quite a few poly's on the LOD model to lower the count, because the entire grip area is modeled and not skinned in this version, yet in the low detail model it is just a skin, cutting off a lot of poly's. I know this did not fully answer your question, however if I told you the exact number, I bet you could find a player model with about the same count and that bothers some people =o)

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Here it goes, same bad textures (I have a good editing program now so that will soon be gone) All textures work in-game and I just used this shot to get a close up. I will post new pics as soon as I get the new textures done and the model comes closer to completion.




In-game Screen: Click Below :D :D




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First off, the released version has slightly improved textures (even thought I suck at skinning), but anyhoo, you may use my saber in any of your mods as long as I am given proper credit and it is not modified in any way EXCEPT making it mod compatible and stuff like that (basically, dont mess with the textures or md3/glm files)

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