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Importing Models/Skeletons


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Can anyone tell me how to import a model from JK2 or a skeleton into 3D Studio Max 4? Or gimmie a link to a plug-in or tutorial to show me how. One person told me he used milkshape3D to do it...but I dun wanna have to get that ...is there a way to do it using 3Ds Max alone?

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The only way to use 3dsmax for modeling is to work with XSI model files. you have to get the officel toolset, there is a plugin Im/Exporter for 3dsmax and some models in XSI format. there is also tool named assimilator for compiling XSI into .glm files that can be used in game.


Get the newset toolset, there are also some basic tutorials.

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I've been foolin with the 3D studio Max...still haven't gottin the hang of it really...guess I just suck too bad at modeling..but I still wanna model something.

I still dunno how to get a skeleton into it. I have the toolset and the XSIimporter and everything. How do I use it exactly...everything I try it says that I don't have the proper import tools.

help????????????? and stuff.

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Just a quick thought, You you can't seem to get the hang of modeling, I wouldn't concern yourself with the xsi plugin, or any plugin for that matter. Your trying to run the 10k even before you can walk. I suggest you do the modeling tutorials that came with max first. Look and and anaylize other peoples work. Read as many books as you can on 3d studio max and modeling 3D space.




this website has some of the greatest articles on computer art. This would be your best place to start AFTER, the max tutorial. So as a marker, your about 2 months away from modeling a player model for jk2.

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Reading some guides going throught the tutorials is of corse a good idea. but dont loose you curage. you can model earlier then in two months, not that good as others, but you can. just jump into the cold water.


for improting the hole XSI files you must go over IMPORT and select XSI format for importing and then chose the XSI file you wish. then will pop up selection window, mark all parts of the model. be sure you have the XSIImporter in the sdtplugin folder of 3ds max 4.0 version or higher.


i hope that will help you with your import problem, if you havent solved it on your own.

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To be honest, I think It is a completely usless idea to "jump into the cold water". Sure you can model today if you like, But it will look lie total and utter crap. Want to know why? casue you haven't established a "foundation". YOu haven't taken the time to anyalize and figure out of the modeling techniques. You've learned the many ways of starting a character model.


I am only talking about just character modeling. I am not sure what you want to do, whether it's render art, or make models, or even just WOW the kids at school with simple raytraced scences.


I suggest you take the time and read the tutotials that came with max, and the articles i supplied in the link. I garuntee in 2-3 months you'l be modelling like crazy, and save yourself countless hours of frustatraion.

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I have to back up musashi a little bit, do the tutorials that came with max. As someone who "jumped into the cold water" I wish I had done the tutorials that came with max. My early models were terible (I can dig up the pics if need be)


Go through them all in order, you'll pick up little tips and tricks along the way, as well as learn the basics of modeling. Then just start making stuff, you'll get better and better with each and every model




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Doing tutuorals and figure out how you can bring in your own ideas, that is "jumping into the cold water". i mean the fist models are always ****y, but thats the way.


I personaly dont belive in theroretical learning from books, tutorials are the practic way to learn. i did them but never in the exact way, i tryed to make other things, using the methods for other ideas. and afterwards i started to read books to get deeper into the methods. when your read a book befor you play a bit with it, you get no idea whats about. you get even bored of it. and reading as much as posible books is in my opinion only confusing. take one you think is helpfull for fast looking up something and then see how far you get.

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For player modeling, NO book in the world will help you. Like i said, I don't know what you doing modeler or artist, But Books are the best for ligthing and other practices, such as color theroy, and texturing. For example the best books on the market are the New riders stuff. Escpecially the "lighting and rendering" and "digital textruing and paiting".


NO doing tutorials is NOT jumping into the cold water. I am going make an analogy. Considering it like the tutorials going to school. You reading and learning the way of this. without going to school you don't know ****. So if you skip this first phase and jump straight to the real world, (running before you can walk) you going to get frustarted and GIVE UP. Recapping, tutorials= school

jumping into the cold water= skipping school, and head straight into the real world.

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Welp I basically jumped into it with a tad bit of help from my brother who has made things besides people in 3D Studio Max. I really can't follow tutorials well....dunno why...I just get lost somehow. I think it is better for me to do trial and error and use tutorials a little bit as I go.

Right now I've jumped into doing Saesee Tiin again. So far it is coming out suprisingly well I think. I've made his head and horns. Think I need to make his horns longer and his chin a bit wider. I've started on his huge non-eye lash buldged things and his eyes:p . I'll try to mabey get a pic up once I get further.

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