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BUG - Republic unbeatable


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I don't seem to understand this Roaching principle:

Scenario: If you destroy my base, but i happen to get away (with say 2 workers and a few miltary units) - the game can't be over - i could rebuild an entire Empire with just one worker unless you find me! That's what Spynet is for. So, how can that be roaching - or is it when there are NO workers left?

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Originally posted by MadrixTF

I don't seem to understand this Roaching principle:

Scenario: If you destroy my base, but i happen to get away (with say 2 workers and a few miltary units) - the game can't be over - i could rebuild an entire Empire with just one worker unless you find me! That's what Spynet is for. So, how can that be roaching - or is it when there are NO workers left?

You can still win a war with no workers, provided that both sides are severely weakened and you still have a decent military. But yeah, usually when you're out of workers and either don't have a command center (or don't have the resources to make new workers) then the war's over. Anything past it is just a stalling effort to an inevitable conclusion. Of course, some would say that it's over before that if you're well out-numbered, but guerilla tactics against overwhelming odds has proven successful so...



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Roaching is what luke's dad said. If you're "hiding" away units so you can rebuild a base, that's not roaching. It's recovering, and hoping the other guy isn't smart enough to get spynet.:)

If you still have an army that ran away when your base is destroyed, and are preparing for an attack, that's OK too. But just hiding a guy or two or doing something tricky like the Jedi Starfighter thing (which this thread is supposed to be about), that's roaching.


Simwiz.... sith... people... calm down. I don't think the rest of us care or want to hear your accusations and denials of roaching etc. :) Though it might be good if I ever play against you. :p


I don't really like this spy thing. Other people have already said why it's bad, and I'm too lazy too, so i'll just state my opposition. :D I have yet another idea to replace/complement Bothan Spynet, but I'll leave that for another day... it's only in conception right now.

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