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New sounds for my character...?


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I've got some kick-ass sounds for my Lord Xen character(to go with the LX saber), but when I edited the sounds.cfg and animsounds.cfg it crashed my game everytime I taunted/grunted, etc... I noticed that the Yoda model doesn't have any sounds/animsounds.cfg files but his sounds work... Any ideas...?


*Note* If this should be in another thread, lemme know... I'll move it if need be...*End Note*





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Mine were 44khz, 128kbps MPEG Layer III Stereo(at least that's what my trusted encoder told me)... The first time I encoded them at 48kbps there was no sound, so that was one problem.. I'll try 128 again... I'll try it all!!!! Muahahahahahahah!!!!


*Note* Sorry.... delusional...*End Note*





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