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Pentagon bombed.....

Guest Boba Rhett

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Please dont spread prejudism or nothing but rumours. During ww2 American-japs were beatned and sent to consentration camps just because Japan was at war. Do not beat on anybody. Just because one extremist religion/faction is responsible do not insult and desicate people who are not extremist, but of that religion. They are as much human beings you are.

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Originally posted by TheJackal

Please dont spread prejudism or nothing but rumours. During ww2 American-japs were beatned and sent to consentration camps just because Japan was at war. Do not beat on anybody. Just because one extremist religion/faction is responsible do not insult and desicate people who are not extremist, but of that religion. They are as much human beings you are.

Then you might also want to tell people not to say they don't mind the Pentegon getting hit too!:mad:

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btw, japs is an offensive term so please refer to them as japanese, fyi.


people will naturally be hurt and affected by this, and you can not quell those feelings, i don't care who you are. if you know someone who was working in that area, i hope they are okay b/c i know someone in that area. this is devastating and naturally people are going to be mad, so please be understanding...

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I am AWARE the pentagon and the world trade center HAVE BEEN BOMBED! But where you get me saying NOT to get the culprate in that quote from me is way beyond me!


I said not to attack people who are not realted. If a muslams extremist groupe DID attack (meaning it has not been proven) dont go into the street beating every muslams you see!

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"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers

torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader

will succumb" ... "The third big war will begin when the big

city is burning" - Nostradamus 1654


I want to bring back the spotlight to this quote. My brother said that the two towers are sisters not brothers, so ww3 will not start. Nostradamus has been known not to be precise, however he is very damn close. Example: He predicted the man to cause ww2 was a man named Hisler. There is a ONE letter difference between Hitler and Hisler

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if this happened to your country, pal, you'd feel something totally different...of course you don't beat every muslim you see, i know people that are muslim and do i blame them? heck no. this is tough for people who live on american soil, so people are going to say what they feel. is it right? maybe not all the time, but it was what they feel and let them feel that way....

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

if this happened to your country, pal, you'd feel something totally different...of course you don't beat every muslim you see, i know people that are muslim and do i blame them? heck no. this is tough for people who live on american soil, so people are going to say what they feel. is it right? maybe not all the time, but it was what they feel and let them feel that way....


You think I dont give a crap what happened? Obviously you are too over taken by rage. So I wont bother to continue this discussion on this forum

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Originally posted by TheJackal

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers

torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader

will succumb" ... "The third big war will begin when the big

city is burning" - Nostradamus 1654


I want to bring back the spotlight to this quote. My brother said that the two towers are sisters not brothers, so ww3 will not start. Nostradamus has been known not to be precise, however he is very damn close. Example: He predicted the man to cause ww2 was a man named Hisler. There is a ONE letter difference between Hitler and Hisler

Ok, enough of your Nostradamus already. We understood it the first time! Sometime Nostradamus is right sometimes he isn't...sounds like a real good foftune teller to me :rolleyes:

This is about real people dying, if you want to talk about Nostradamus and his prediction just make a new thread!

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This is my last post about this because I feel you want to start a war allready because I related this incident to a prediction. This terrible incident happened at 10am where I live. It is now 3:40pm. I have a lot of time to reflect about this. I morned. I'm not a senseless bastard. I know people died. I want the people responsible to come foward. I want to help as much as I can. However from my current position there is nothing I can do but just watch from a distance. I live 3 hours away from NewYork. Countless people died. But I dont want more to die. I dont want a war!

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

jackal, do you personally know people who are in that area? i'd really like to know....


YES I DO! My uncle lives in NewYork. I have not herd of him. My parents have been trying to reach him. My friend's dad is the PrimeMinister's bodyguard. He wont see him for months if this continue. My teacher's brother WORKS in the towers. She was crying in front of the class.


Just because I live in an other country does not mean I am immune to this terrorist act.

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Guest crazy_dog

I get your point, Jackal.


Anyway, don't blame the Palistinians too much. There leader seemed very shocked.


Oh by the way, sorry about the Pentagon thing.

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Jackal no one is trying to start a war, I'm just tired of you posting your Nostradamus theories on this thread. You seem very cold in your other posts.

I'm sorry to hear about your uncle and your teachers brother :(


Nostradamus is a person that supposedly could see the future

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A ''famous'' philosopher. He predicted ww2, nukes, walk on the moon (i think), and much more things. However he did predicte a few things that did not happen such as the end of the world by 2000 i think.


Next time Kvan try to think a bit more before blasting me. Sorry if I ''disturbed'' you with my sudden quote from the philosopher. I dont see how this would make me cold. just make me more afraid of what the rest of the world is able.

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Originally posted by TheJackal

A ''famous'' philosopher. He predicted ww2, nukes, walk on the moon (i think), and much more things. However he did predicte a few things that did not happen such as the end of the world by 2000 i think.


Next time Kvan try to think a bit more before blasting me. Sorry if I ''disturbed'' you with my sudden quote from the philosopher. I dont see how this would make me cold. just make me more afraid of what the rest of the world is able.

You seemed cold in your "other posts" like I said, not in the Nostradamus posts.

And I'm not blasting you.. Please stop saying I said or felt things when I did not. I also never said your posts "distubed" me

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WEll, anyone can predict peopl walking on the moon, or the nuke, those things were obviously gonna appear.


Anyways, i'm oof to kick so terrorist but in RA2 :mad:;)

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My thoughts are towards those in pain from the bombing, but I think it was those palistines, because what city celebrates and dances with deaths equal more than 10000, like its a dead give away. This is unbelievable, and I am only an hour from the incident. Bin Ladin is probably dancing around, after that pathetic speak of how it was not his fault. This is a sad day, but the day of revenge will come and those of fault will never laugh again, when the states find them, and punish them.

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sorry cracker i think your wrong:D


the thing we need to understand is that these ppl have no problem walking in to a building with a bomb strapped to them and pressing the little red button the only way somebody could have dont this is if they had no value of human life



i just feel sorry for those ppl who died and lost familie members

keep them in your thought and prayers plz!

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Originally posted by Warlord

My thoughts are towards those in pain from the bombing, but I think it was those palistines, because what city celebrates and dances with deaths equal more than 10000, like its a dead give away. This is unbelievable, and I am only an hour from the incident. Bin Ladin is probably dancing around, after that pathetic speak of how it was not his fault. This is a sad day, but the day of revenge will come and those of fault will never laugh again, when the states find them, and punish them.

Yes, why would people do that? Dance around and laugh when people die? I certainly don't laugh and dance when we killed people in the Gulf war :( The people that were doing that are sick, sick people!

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