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Pentagon bombed.....

Guest Boba Rhett

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Wow, I still can't believe it. . . Anyone think this may be the begining of the end? I don't know how many of you are religous, but I am. I hope this isn't the Revelation. . . :( Besides, I still haven't asked out the girl I want to go out with. ;)

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maybe we shouldn't be focused on the end of the world, lets worry about what might happen. Lets just send our best of hopes to the ones involved and hope for the best. first both trade centers are hit, then the pentigon, the trade centers collapse and another plane hits pennsylvania. this is the saddest day in america.:( . i'm going to cry.:ball: :ball: :ball: :ball:

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Guest Sherack Nhar

While I am only 16 years old, I can now understand the terror that Europeans felt when the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939 (or was it 1938?). A sign of things to come.


This may turn into a third World War, people. The terrorists' actions are so...barbaric, it can't be described with words. I simply don't believe it yet. Never did a catastrophe like this one reached me so much.


I SO wish I'm wrong about the 3rd World War.

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Guest Crackercho

Sherack Nhar you are definitely wrong.And i'm only 13.To happen WW3 a country like Russia ,China ,Great Britan ,USA has to attack one of the countries Russia ,China ,Great Britan ,USA.And this hasn't happen yet so DON'T WORRY.

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Originally posted by Thrawn

Wow, I still can't believe it. . . Anyone think this may be the begining of the end? I don't know how many of you are religous, but I am. I hope this isn't the Revelation. . . :( Besides, I still haven't asked out the girl I want to go out with. ;)


Thrawn, i have thought long and hard about that. But i've decide that i don't think it is. I believe that the destruction will be musch more massive for that time, and that the chrsitians will be "taken up" before the worst comes.


On a lighter note, I don't think that World War 3 wil happen. The reason, the allies are way too strong. There is no large communist or other group that could take on the allies. The only threat are the small, third-world countries made up of terrorists. Those countries, even when allied together don't have the strenth to take on the US much less all of the UN. No, if there is a war, it will involve us bombing the crap out of our enemy and then going in to take them out. Kinda like desert storm, but quicker and easier i think.

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Guest Bifficvs

I have no clue if it is a country or terrorist group, but whoever it is has to be pretty big. To organize such an intricate plan requires a bit of manpower, plus, I would think that the terrorits had to have at least basically skilled pilots in order to crash into the WTC. I would think if a regular pilot had a gun to his head and was ordered to crash into the WTC, he would rather crash the plane someplace unpopulated. If he's gonna die, I don't think he would help the terrorits. I think we should all be grateful to those pilots whose planes crashes in unpopulated area like the one outside of Philidelpha, trying to avoid even further casualties.

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What I can't understand is why all those countries just can't get rid of their terrorists! Its like they don't want to... This day will go down in history but id rather it be another day then to have all those people killed. The only reason terrorism exists is because whoever performed the act is a coward.

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Guest Crackercho

Bifficvs your version of the plane that crashed near philadelphia is exactly like mine.But my second version is that the goverment shoot it down.

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Guest Bifficvs

The intention was to create panic and destroy America´s Invulnerability... and it was achieved... I´m not saying it´s right ( killing thousands of Innocent ppl never is), but this is a very calculated manneuver... i dont know who did ...But they made sure that this thing was succesfull

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Booya2020

What I can't understand is why all those countries just can't get rid of their terrorists! Its like they don't want to... This day will go down in history but id rather it be another day then to have all those people killed. The only reason terrorism exists is because whoever performed the act is a coward.


Some of them really don't want to. While they may not sanction these attacks, I don't think they care enough to spend time and money hunting down these organizations. There are countries in the Middle East, as well as many other places, that hate Americans, and Westerners in general, very very much.

I have heard a rumor that these attacks were made by an militant Muslim extremist group. If so, these people think its their god's will to bring destruction to Westerners, and they won't let anything, even death, stop them. In some people's minds, if they die, so much the better, as long as they take some of us down with them. The fact that people think like this frightens me. If they don't mind dieing to knock over a skyscraper, they obviously don't fear our reprisals.

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Originally posted by Booya2020

What I can't understand is why all those countries just can't get rid of their terrorists! Its like they don't want to... This day will go down in history but id rather it be another day then to have all those people killed. The only reason terrorism exists is because whoever performed the act is a coward.


Because the Goverenment doesn't WANT to get rid of them. In fact, some of them support the terrorists coz they hate Americam and they are enemies of America. Plus, terrorists are hard to get rid of, kinda like bugs in your house.

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Guest Crackercho

I don't know if you know but their religion says to the Muslim that if they die like a warrior they will go to paradise where there will be a lot of women awaiting the "warriors" and many other good things.

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i didn't hear that. what i know is that if they die for Allah, they will be transformed and head to a world where they are seen as heroes. if you call what happened today as an act of heroism, than i'd rather not be one.


it's too premature to point fingers. however, if this is bin laden's work, then i hope we do punish him to the highest degree and every single one of his associates....

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Guest Crackercho

Maybe some of you are thinking that i am one of the muslim but i'm not.I'm a citizen of Bulgaria.A country that was under muslim control for five centauries.I'm glad that my country isn't under their control now.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Thrawn, i have thought long and hard about that. But i've decide that i don't think it is. I believe that the destruction will be musch more massive for that time, and that the chrsitians will be "taken up" before the worst comes.


On a lighter note, I don't think that World War 3 wil happen. The reason, the allies are way too strong. There is no large communist or other group that could take on the allies. The only threat are the small, third-world countries made up of terrorists. Those countries, even when allied together don't have the strenth to take on the US much less all of the UN. No, if there is a war, it will involve us bombing the crap out of our enemy and then going in to take them out. Kinda like desert storm, but quicker and easier i think.




tie i like your thought nice and positive but lets be serious the armed forces arent what they used to b because of Clinton:mad:

(sorry i dont want to let my politics take place here but just telling u thats how i feel) and any big country has evough nukes to fire at us and make us blow our stack of nukes and that would b the end to the world man scary aint it i dont think this is the end though:D

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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

tie i like your thought nice and positive but lets be serious the armed forces arent what they used to b because of Clinton:mad:

(sorry i dont want to let my politics take place here but just telling u thats how i feel) and any big country has evough nukes to fire at us and make us blow our stack of nukes and that would b the end to the world man scary aint it i dont think this is the end though:D


that's my point, no other countries have enough nukes, but more importantly, they all know what the consecuences of using one. That is why i believe that unless a country is on the brink of total annihilation, they will not result to nuclear warfare. When one fires a huke, many many others fire, those in turn coz others to fire until the world is nearly destroyed. whats left is killled by radiation and cancer, two problems coming with the same source. So, nukes are not an actual weapon of destruction meant to be fired upon enemies, but a way to quell them with the fear of firing them. Get it? Everyone knows this, that is why instead of nuking Aphfanistan or Palistine, we will fire smart bombs and cruise missles.

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