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help on play mechanics


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1) Does the reticule help you to place your saber swings?


2) Is it possible to place a block on a saber? (example, he swings left you counter with a right swing)


alot of times I cant tell if the blocks are just random show elements, or actual blocks! I would like to believe that you can block with a swing, as opposed to just standing still to block.


3) stupid question here, is "absorb" the counter for "grip (choke)"?

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1/ only in the direction u r facing, and helps in doing moves like the yellow dfa and kicks. The main determinant for sabre swings is the movement keys you press when you attack.(and afterwards in red)


2/you cannot block sabres attacks while attacking in all game forms EXCEPT the ones with sabrelock enabled. if thats the case, you will be engaged in a sabrelock. sabrethrows can only be blocked with a non attacking sabre


blocking is automatic except when the server turns this option off. you block when you are not attacking and the attack is front on. jumping running etc lowers your defence but if you have saberdefence 3 you dont have to worry much about blocking


3/ absorb can counter grip, as well as all other dark forces except rage and team energize and pull/push as well(though you still will be slightly effected in air). it will stop people from draining you but wont add force powers(lvl 3 assumed)


grip can be countered by many things. absorb, push, pull, will automatically disengage you from the grip. guns and sabrethrows can be used during grip to kill the gripper, you can grip your opponent while gripped. I was pretty sure you can lightning (maybe drain too) but some ppl said you cant and i havent really tried.

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