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haha! NO! I suck enough as it is! I only want to use it on MY own server to help "train" people in my clan. I mean imagine it... a lightsaber floats around and then turns on... coooool! haha. But no, honestly, I just saw that movie "hollow man" yesterday and I just thought it maybe cool to have. I guess there's no way I can prove that I'm not going to use it for cheating, but so you know, I left counter-strike because of cheaters and I f*cking hate the stupids b*tchs! IF you do know, please let me know. if you're uncomfortable telling me in the forum cause you think someone will use it to cheat, PLEASE e-mail me at wseli@csus.com. Thanks

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lol obviously none of you know anything about models. There is no way someone could use that garbage to cheat anyway unless it was installed on the server and they had a copy of it.


All anyone would see is Kyle if they didn't have the model, so it wouldn't work anyway. And if they did have the model, they wouldn't see anyone just a floating lightsaber.


It is a good idea in theory, just not good enough to do what you want. The most practical use would be to have someone make a bot for it that attacks, then all you would see is a running lightsaber.


I repeat, there is no real way to cheat by doing this if no one else is running the model. Thank you, and good night.

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I have played many shooters, and first person games (online of course) where people have used invisibility to cheat and win and stuff. That is the best way to get everyone's temper up and for you to get booted. I can understand why you would want to do this because it sounds fun and stuff. But think of others and don't cheat unless its a cheat game!:) (besides no skinner would give it to u even if you paid them)

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Originally posted by _LuNiX_

I have played many shooters, and first person games (online of course) where people have used invisibility to cheat and win and stuff. That is the best way to get everyone's temper up and for you to get booted. I can understand why you would want to do this because it sounds fun and stuff. But think of others and don't cheat unless its a cheat game!:) (besides no skinner would give it to u even if you paid them)


This is the most bull I think I've ever heard! I never said I was using it to cheat! And like Chrono said, I can't use it unless someone lets me! I wanna use it on my OWN server! Did I ever say I wanted to cheat!? I'm sure I can figure this out on my own, but I don't think everyone should become so anal about a topic that doesn't affect them! Do some research before you state that my inivisible model will destroy the JK2 community and the fairness of the game. And razorace, you of all people shouldn't make assumptions and act like such a f*cking ________! I can find the answer on my own... Thanks for trying to educate these dumb ******* for me Chrono.

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Woah buddy. I wasn't saying I didn't believe you. No offence was meant. Sides, I did try to point you in the right direction.


Relax, the forum is full of bastards and whiners. Getting angry at them isn't going to solve anything. Unless you're trying to go to the Dark Side. :D

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sorry dude, didn't mean to hurt you or anything, its just that I have been in many other games with invisibility cheats and it pisses me off, I don't want Jedi Knight II to be full of cheaters (not that I think you're one) I just don't want cheaters to get a way to be invisible.

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