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WIP: Fat Bastard

Midgit Yoda

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Well I decided over the past couple of days that I really don't care what people think about my models. I know that I am not that good at modeling but I will get better. I'm just modeling b/c I think it's tremendous fun. I have Dark Helmet nearly finished, but of course he isn't going to be released. He'll be something fun to have for myself. I have started on a fat Bastard Model. I think I am getting closer to the Fat Bastardy look. Boy that ones gona be fun to play as. I already know his taunt. It will be, "First things first. Where's your ****ter? I've got a Turtle head pokin out" lol God I can't wait to hear that in game. I guess if this one doesn't turn out good then it'll be another fun thing for me but none-the-less, I enjoy modeling. I'll post screenie #1 tomorrow possibly, or maybe later tonight.

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I'm almost ready to post 1 or 2 screens. Here's the deal though guys. Almost 95% of this model is going to depend on it's skin. The model itself won't have that Bastardy look untill it's got a good skin on it. I'm workin on getting the model as accurate as possible though. Also I'm trying to make his arms have that "jello" effect lol.

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First off, Fat Bastard is the fat stupid guy in Austin Powers 2 that steals Austins "mojo" and thinks he's "dead sexy" with "sexy tities". He's also in the 3rd one as a sumo wrestler.

Also, I'm debating on releasing Helmet. I really wanna work more on Bastard first though. Maybe after Bastard is nearly done. not sure (I got the kewlest mugs today. TIKI MAN MUGS!!! YEA).

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I've been working on refining the face and I just kept lookin at it and I thought, man that nose is totally taking away from the Fat Bastard Look. So I made a new nose. I think that his face now has the Fat Bastard Look. Here are some screens of his new nose.


Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4


I personally think image 1, 3, and 4 are the best (4 looking JUST LIKE fat bastards profile in my opinion). I've also added a kilt that isn't shown in this model. I decided the kilt version was more appropriate (and funny lol). Possibly later on down the road I'll change the kilt to shorts. not 100% sure yet.

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Hey, Those really look like fat rolls. They could use a touch more of gravity. You'll be able to tell better once you have the torso complete.


Yeah, I also like images 1,3,4 the nose looks good. Though It has a werid shadow that kinda looks like the nose is a bit deattached from the face. Try to just refine the bit that connects with the forehead.

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Yeah I'm still working on refining his face a bit and his torso for rolls like no other lol. Oh and guess what joyous thing hapened to me today. I lost my freakin JK2 CD! Luckily I got a No CD patch for MP 1.03 but I can't find one for SP 1.03 so therefore I can't even work on getting Jabba in game. Also I can't get Dark Helmet to compile right in assimilate. It says it can't find spine_eff but when I look in 3DSMax, it's there... Oh well. Gonna work on the bastard more tomorrow and maybe a lil tonight.

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Bah i think you doing good who cares what anybody says. Seem's to me that there's too much focus on making cannonically correct models. Just because its a Star Wars game doesn't mean that it has to be a Star Wars character. If we all went under that premise this whole hobby would get REALLY boring REALLY fast. Nothing wrong with having a little fun. Keep up the kewl work

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omfg tru weed smoka get a life man goddamn:d


Anyway midigit yoda don't give a crap what others say


Unfortunately I've learned that if iti snt a starwars model this community doesnt much care about your work:) nonetheless fat bastard shall succeed




I dink i pharted

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