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My new SW game idea!


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I was dissapointed with the lack of realism in JK2. Im used to realistic FPS games and theyre my favorite kind. Its logical to think that a light saber slicing through your torso would kill you in one hit as well as one blaster bolt through your head. And that guns in SW fire bolts, projectiles, and beams just as fast as in the SW movies which are as fast as projectiles in this world. But I guess I expected too much according to the excessive "balance" idea.:rolleyes: JK2 is great but I think its basically become Quake with lightsabers. Its time for SW games to GET REAL!


Heres my idea: Star Wars Commandos (Ok so I couldnt think of a better title) The realistic M rated FPS SW game. Remember all the great gun fights in the SW movies particularly the one on Endor in ep6? All the elite Rebel commandos with those awsome looking assault rifle blasters. Think of all the great realistic looking assault weaponry seen in the movies. The only guns from the movies that were in a game were the E-11 blaster rifle and the bow caster. Take all the best weapoms from the movies, give them names(if they dont have em already), give them detailed military descriptions and functions, and realistic damage. Like the E-11 blaster rifle. AT SW.com it says it has a retracable stock ,which it does, to make it better for longer range combat. Its a very accurate weapon hence its a rifle! You still have to reload guns in SW. When a power pack drains on a blaster you have to change it out duh. Say a standard magazine can hold enough power for 100 shots. Sounds good. Then take all the elite forces from all over the galaxy and put them in realisctic Star Wars missions. Example: Youre part of an elite Imperial trooper force. The Imperial Landing Craft quickly drops you to the surface and you unload and disperse as it immediatly leaves and your leader gives a coordinated command and you all move forward and take cover awaiting your que to move in and take an outpost by suprise in a really cool secret elite commando like way. "Team hold up. Unit 2 move east and flank em, unit 1 we go strait in and disperse. Roger that sir. Go go go! Contact. Enemy down! Move move. Cover me! Breaching door! Roger! Tossing detonator get clear! Enemy down! Got em! Hostiles neutralized! Roger we got the package! Roger that all Units fall back to drop zone! Move move move! Mother Wookie this is White Mynoc. Objectives complete. Send the Drop. Mother Wookie here roger White Mynoc drop on the way. This is Wild Gungan, White Mynoc secured were commin home! Mission Complete!

:D :D :D :D :D

Ok I got a little excited there didnt I? Well what do ya think? Hope admins read this.:thumbsup:

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Nomore Ghost Recon for you young man.


Heh, I dunno. I wasn't really much of a Ghost Recon/Rainbow Six kinda person. I think realism in games is nice, but not when it's over the top. I'd like to see more "realistic" Lightsaber combat, mainly because guns and such have been done to death, JK2 really brought in a new genre with Lightsabers. But with the increased patches Lightsabers have been like big long swords with pretty colors.


I think it'd be nice to have something like you described, sure. Mix it together with some Jedi/Sith missions and such. It'd could be very interesting. But the problem with realistic games, is they have a bad habit of killing fun factor for realism. And sometimes the realism is over the top (/cough toe pinky shots killing Tangos in Rainbow Six series). Maybe combine JK2 with Soldier of Fortune 2, without the gore though. Since I don't really think blood in Star Wars would hold true at all, since there's very little in all the movies. Blasters seem to burn the wound so they don't bleed, Lightsabers do too for the most part, so I don't see how it would need to be rated Mature.

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I didnt say it should be like Rainbow Six. They did go over the top in that game. It wasnt even very realistic. Too slow, glitchy, AI was gay. I mean something more like a cross between CS, Rainbow Six and JK2. Thats the best example. And you could make it M rated with people being blown to pieces even if theres not a lot of blood and have some good profanity!:D :D

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Hmm.. movies were "realistic" in the way people died in a few hits from a Lightsaber (usually one if it was to the torso or something along those lines) and blasters. Just because a movie or game is "science fiction" doesn't mean it can't be based on our reality. I mean, all science fiction comes from the base of our reality, now doesn't it? Most science fiction movies follow pretty basic rules on most non hero/villian characters in combat, they are just as frile as real life humans. So... I don't really see how it being science fiction excludes it from being "realistic" in the way weapons and missions work.

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Hey hey, 99.9% of the movie's saber fights were SABERLOCKS. Only Jedi-Merc interaction was on the Sailbarge and at the Cantina. What's so realistic about a blade made of energy and cut through walls?



My head is bustling with technicality gripes... like the term Rifle... I thought rifle meant the barrel has special grooves to make the bullet Spin, making it more accurate over long ranges. Well, I don't think you can see a blaster bolt "spin" seeing how its made of bright red energy and the book specifically states it's purposely inaccurate... In fact singleshooting of the E11 in jk2 is so inaccurate I'd rather use Force speed up to them and maul em upclose with Altfire.


At SW.com it says that the weapons were hacks of realworld weapons modified to look futuristic... They really did look like Colts to me ;).


I'm going nowhere with this meaningless stuff, so in Summary, I do not think a game with Beam weapons can be made into a realistic shooter like CS or DOD.


P.S. I really hate the Bryar pistol they should have included a Heavy Blaster Pistol, IE the one Han uses all the time and included silencer like in EP6 (WHEE!)


EDIT: Despite my opinion on a realistic SW FPS, I really liked playing the FPS Endor and Hoth portion of the Star Wars Trilogy Arcade game (the one with a Joystick and you have bonus levels against Fett and vader). I loved saving fellow rebels and cute ewoks from Stormies :D

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It's an interesting idea but why spend all that time and effort on the blasters when the Lightsaber is the star of the game? Without Sabers, JK2 is just another run and gun.


As for saberlocks, I'm implimenting much more "realistic" Saber Locks in my Mod, Masters of the Force. The main thread for it is here.

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its not a jedi game i had in mind. didnt anyone pay attention to my post? didnt think so. damn maybe i should just stop posting in forums people are so damn thick headed and close minded. they dont even try to understand anything thats not directly related to this world. psionic jedi is right in his quote that over half this world has below average intelligence. im not pointing any fingers directly at you guys just dont be like all the idiots out there. open the mind and think. im off this thread.

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I'm not trying to be close minded, just realistic. What you described it basically Team Fortress / Swat 3 in SW. The amount of work to make such a mod won't be worth the effort IMO. If you want to play something like that. Try getting some Star Wars Skins for Swat 3 or Team Fortress Classic.

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