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Jedi Knight III: Storyline and Basic Gameplay Ideas (Please read, took forever...)


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Hi, I like Jedi Knight II a real bunch, and a sequel I'd like a real bunch too :o


Here is my maybe a bit unoriginal, but what the hey I like, beginning storyline of Jedi Knight III.



A tall mysterious uncertain figure approached the weakened Kyle Katarn, cuts and bruises all over his body, his clothing torn and burnt. Immediately he became aware of his surroundings, a bright area, on a platform hovering unusually in a gargantuan, power generator room, with thousands of electrifying arcs jumping between the rumbling, bright lit towers. The figure approached closer, yet Kyle stared above, the ceiling torn down, the bright stars twinkling above. He heard a loud explosion, followed by a TIE Fighter, which spiraled over the ceiling, disappearing, he looked forward.


A silver hilt was held tightly in the figures hand, the rest of him a silhouette in front of the burning lights of the tower. A long, red blade extended from the hilt, illuminating the area, except for the figure. Kyle rose from the ground which he lay on, and unclipped his Lightsaber hilt from his belt. The blue, humming saber blade extended outward, and he swung with an aggressive arc at the figure, which raised its Lightsaber and effortlessly parried the attack, flipping the Lightsaber teasingly and striking downward. Kyle was pushed to a crouched position, his Lightsaber held horizontally blocking the strike.


With a tremendous surge of strength and a push forward, he knocked the figure backwards, an instant swing upward, slightly arced, and Kyle sliced the hand off of the figure, the Lightsaber deactivating and falling down to the bottomless darkness below. Kyle watched the figure stagger backwards, and drop to its knees, its left hand held tightly at his right arm. Kyle walked forward, and flipped the hood off of the opponent, only to reveal a most frightening face looking up at him. Its eyes were not eyes, but white glows, illuminating the familiar face. The face was of him, Kyle looked at himself, a most evil looking self, Kyle stepped backward, dropping his saber in complete shock.


“It calls you Katarn, seek it…” the voice terrifyingly whispered. Kyle dropped to his knees.

“Kyle…” a voice whispered, “Kyle, Kyle… Kyle!”




“What?” he lifted his head, eyes wide open. He was no longer in the bright energy reactor, looking at his hurt self, instead, his friend Jan stood before him, a smile on her face. He looked around, noticing he was in a small room, walls made of light brown stone, the floor of gray concrete.

“What happened?” He repeated, shaking his head slightly and rubbing his hurting eyes.

“You were having some kind of a nightmare, I’ve been trying to wake you for an hour now, but you wouldn’t move!” Kyle had no reply, he only stood and walked to the door, he halted shortly,

“I’m going to see Luke,” he said, and then walked through the doorway.




That's it... yep, it doesn't start with no, "Okay, your on a mission to blah, blah, to do this and that, and go through some linear poorly textured Imperial base on a supposedly abandoned base and reveal a great master plan," stuff, or anything like that. You begin after the disturbing dream is played via however it may be done, and then you go to Luke, during gameplay, and you speak with him, after this little introduction is complete you are told to report to the mission briefing room.


Here, you are given the choice of three missions, each with different locations, difficulty levels, and situations. Depending on which one you pick, the game may play out differently. Instead of changing how the game turns out from the middle of the game or the end, you pick from the beginning. There would be three missions, one being very short, very easy, and will reward you with the most skill points for upgrading your skills, but you will find that things will not turn out for the best in the long run. The second mission is kind of equal, but can be altered depending on your actions during the mission. The third mission is difficult, and rewards the least skill points towards the end, but in the long run, you will find that it is much better rewarding.


This kind of works like how one would become a Jedi or Dark Jedi. Take the easy path, fall to the darkside, work hard and long, live in the light. Something like that anyway. Depending on which mission you pick, you will gain different force powers, fall to a different side of the force (yes, you can be light side, dark side, and even neutral!), different events will occur, and by making certain choices during these missions, you may change it even further.


The story would develop during the gameplay, different depending on the mission you chose. During the long mission, Kyle would become a strong ally in the light side of the force, and aid in the destruction of an evil Remnant faction (Tyrant of the Sun) and the elimination of a resurrected Shadow Trooper project, the Shade Project, involving a much deadlier version, which lacks the power of the force, but has perfect lightsaber combat, features of Galak Fyarr's mechanical suit, Cortosis armor, and more, making it a deadly threat. However, take the short path, and you will most likely fall to the dark side, becoming an agent of evil, losing your mind, taking advantage of whoever you can to aid you in your evil purposes, and destroying those who get in your way. This would lead to a suprise ending which I'm keeping for myself just in case someone steals my idea and makes it which would be awesome :deathstar But highly unlikely :deathii:


I had this unusual idea for force use this time around, but decided it is way too advanced for any technology to make it balanced and work correctly. So instead, I'm sticking to the more simpler idea. Force is used by selecting the different force powers, but this time around it works differently. Instead of a Force Push, Force Grip, etc. It is combined into one special force power called Force Control, where when you use it on an enemy, depending on how you move your mouse, a different action happens (use force key must be held), swiftly moving it forward tosses them backwards (push), but slowly moving upwards chokes them (grip), pulling the mouse forward pulls them, and you can toss them left and right also. Force Control will also highlight things in the environment which you can change with it. Doors will be highlighted blue if you can open them, same thing with switches if you can push them from a distance, pull levers, and cause distractions, moving a crate slightly, catching the attention of guards, allowing you to sneak by. Or you can lift up large rocks, or even droids, and toss them at your enemies. This opens up a lot of possibilities (maybe even beat the crap out of Luke with debris, Darth Vader style :D)


Other force powers work just like in Jedi Knight II, but you gain differnet powers depending on your alignment. And it is impossible to become strong in every single force power throughout the game. You will need to locate 'Force Pods' throughotu levels, each one containing from one to five skill points. At the end of every level you are not awarded skill points, you must find them via Force Pods in the levels so NO RUSHING THROUGH LEVELS WITHOUT LOOKING, unless you don't want force powers. The force system works like it does in Jedi Knight II multiplayer. Each force skill has four levels, each stronger, using less of your 'Force Bar' (which is the same as in Jedi Knight II, no changes), and capable of more. You can spend two points on Level 1 of Force Lightning, but require six points to upgrade to Level 2, and eight points to Level 3. It does not require that you add enough to make it a total of eight points (that is, if you have six points added to make it Level 2, you will not need two points to make it Level 3, you will need EIGHT). There are a number of unique force powers for each alignment, each costing different prices. It is very difficult to reach the end of the game with Level 4 in each skill, as there aren't enough to do it without cheating (skill points). This is to add some replay value, and to prevent characters from becoming invincible because of such high levels.


Lightsaber combat I'm still not certain on, but I feel it would be the same as Jedi Knight II, except modified to not feel like so... fake, more realistic, almost like you really are in the movies :)


I am sorry this went on so long, but I hope you liked it, I want your honest opinions. Don't say, "Well it's good, but," and not really mean it. If you dislike it just say it, but please do, if you comment, include what you liked, and what you didn't like, and what you think could improve it. And please note that the storyline part I mentioned is part of a story that I am writing called Star Wars: Darkened Path, which is what I think Jedi Knight III's storyline would be like (Which is why it's used here).




- Jedi Knight Bub :ben:

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i like it a lot, although remember that none of it will never get in a game since developers NEVER accept fan submissions (well, lucasarts doesn't at least)... there are all sorts of weird legal stuff involved. but your story is very well written, intriguing, and would work great in a mod :)

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Thanks, I appreciate the compliments.


Heh, yes, I know, nobody's idea will ever make it into a real game unless they make it themselves or just mod it for another game. I certainly have the time to make a kind of 'sequel' to Jedi Knight II by just using Jedi Knight II and adding features I think would be used in the sequel (basically make a modification), but I do not have the skill. But if there is a group of people out there who feel they are skilled enough to take on the task of implementing all the features of a Jedi Knight III, and creating a modification, then I grant permission for you to do so! But do speak with me first so you know what the heck you'll be making :jawa


I am currently capable of mapping for Jedi Knight II, but I'm still learning other advanced things, but once I am the best I think I can be with the editor, I will be constructing a single player map based off of one of the three missions I have thought of for the JK2 sequel. Look forward to that in ... a couple ... years? lol, nah. But not anytime soon unfortunately :(


Again, thanks, and I would definitely appreciate more comments.


- Jedi Knight Bub :ben:

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Trite advice but true... it matters less what you think of, only what you can do.


As Massadoobie pointed out, unfortunately, your idea would never make it into the actual game. It's not only that people don't accept fan submissions, but fan submissions are usually regarded as the amoebas of fiction: simplistic and unevolved.


Sometimes no matter how well the writing is, you'll get looked down on, just for not having the resume or title of a professional writer.

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I wouldn't make that an absolute statement...


But there are quite a few occasions where yes, the fact that someone got paid to write the drivel that I read is astonishing and appalling. Then again, storyline, plot, characters doesn't always matter to computer game®s...


It's all about the twitch!

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It probably would be good to consolidate a few force powers. I don't know if Grip should be included, but it would make sense to have a single Force Telekinesis power rather than separate Push or Pull. If you're doing it on a person, you could push forward or back to push/pull them. If you're in midair, it's just pull. (Everyone knows how fun it is to jump over a stormtrooper and do Pull while you're over his head) I don't think any of the other force powers would be good mixed together. Doing it on a switch would just activate it, doing it on an item would pull the item to you. Doing it on large objects would levitate them in the and move them around with you the same way Grip would do that on people.


There should be both more lightsaber stances, and an easier way to quickly switch between them. If you press the saber stance button, you'll go into a "no stance". It's exactly like the yellow stance, except your next saber swing determines what stance you go into. Do a swing without moving to go into yellow (medium) stance. Do a forward swing to go into red (strong) stance, and do a left swing to go into blue (light) stance. These stances wouldn't be seriously changed from what they were in JK2. A backward swing would put you in the green (defensive) stance, which would have superior blocking and have the moves set up for a parry/counterattack pattern of fighting. A right swing would put you into the orange (backhand) stance where you hold the saber "upside down" It would have lots of spins and backstab-type moves, but slower than the fast stance.


Matrix-like dodging moves should happen depending on a combination of Force Seeing and Speed.


Wall running should be able to be sustained longer, and have directional control. You should also be able to grab the edges of platforms/ledges/cliffs (and pull yourself up)

There should be a 3rd attack button that always has the same function: punch/kick.

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