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Anybody want to help with my King of the Hill mod?


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I am currently working on a King of the Hill (perfect dark users will know what I'm talking about :p) mod. I was wondering if anybody would like to help with it?


For those who have no idea what I am talking about, I'll tell you.


Basically there is a green, small area, taking up about a third of a medium sized room. Players race to the area, via the radar (working on that now) and enter it. When a player enters the coloured area, it changes from green to red or blue (player's team colour) that player will score a point after staying in that area for a set time.


If another player enters the area, while another player 'owns' it, it will not change colour. However, the timer for the original player's point will FREEZE, until either the intruder leaves/dies, resuming the timer-or the original player leave/dies, thus restartinng the timer and changing the colour to the new 'owner's' team.


After a point is scored, the coloured area will turn green and again-randomly teleport to one of the 'hill' areas.



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Jedi Master isn't really anything like king of the hill. In king of the hill, you gain points by standing and gaurding a specific area. You gain a point for staying in there for a set point, keeping others out (leaving = entering will reset the clock) Then the area moves elsewhere.


In jedi master you gain points from killing.


Anybody want to help? I think it'll be cool.




PS: If any good programmers are reading this: I think you should take a crack at turning the distrupter's alt fire into a farsight from perfect dark! For those who are starting to think I'm a maniac, I'll explain. Basically the view goes into snipe mode, slightly wireframed. You get a thermal view, and can see through walls! This basicaly makes the disrupter into a deadly weapon from far away, prefrebly sniping from an enclosed-small room :D


I'd definatly download it.

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I already did a similar thing in my first mod...


Basically when you alt-fire, you turn on Seeing and modify the view angle.


I removed both additions though, because firing through walls AND auto-Seeing is a bit unfair.

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I think it would be fair, because there should be one in a hard to get place, it takes a while to get a good aim on somebody (you have to find them too) It takes about 2-3 shots to kill, unless in the head, AND while your blasting people across the level, there could be people behind you who suddenly chop off your head with a swing of their lightsaber. Also it takes a while to reload.


Do you still have the code?



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