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WIP:Tatooine Town


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Tigris how r u meant to apply the shader? Because i pressed s then at top typed shaders/tat1 and ingame it looks like this and i've used a pk3 file i may not of put the right stuff in it but i used sv_pure 0 too incase and it still did this grid. Am i doing something wrong? Thanks


click full screen to see it properly


EDIT: Ignore now i think i might have cracked it i didn't see the tat1 black and red grid shader in the folder.

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Havent added much cause i've been trying to get the skybox working and for some reason i think they've fallen out with me. I've added a bounty hunter shop and a building which i plan to make a house. At the moment in the bounty hunter shop theres a helmet like bobas but different colours and a jet pack with a missile. Could someone also tell me who u let other people look at your lycos photo alblum like sunburns sig.Thanks

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Tigris - You mentioned your FIRST version of the Tatooine Cantina... there was a second?


And now, ,Back to the subject at hand - Looks good so far. Just dont get too discouranged at the comments fo some people in here. FIrst maps are ALWAYS the roughest.

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I know but why does putting a sky up look so easy when it isn't and tigris when u put it on the brush it says can't find texture for shader it might be because iu put the giz_env in CAPS in the shaderlist. I have added a igloo kind of house with quite a few vaporators and u will be able to go inside i am mostly basing it on the one the lars family use from ep2 and ep4.

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Does anyone know where i can find pictures of what moister farmers use apart from vaporators cause i don't know what else they use. I would post some screens of my moister farm but cause its on nolight and the texture is light then it looks white and stupid so there would be no point in posting it. Thanks

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Dont think the Moisture Farmers would USE anything else - except maybe the odd droid here and there to collect from the vaporators. If you think about it, what else would they need to farm moisture aside from a machine that condences water from the air (A vaporator).

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2 new screens one is meant to be a small tusken raider camp which is in the desert and my second pic is of a house in the desert. The pictures are light because i haven't got the skybox that tigris sent me working yet so i am compiling in no light. For the pictures click on my sigs link. Thanks

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I'm using Artus Light skyshader on my Anchorhead map and it does that F'n thing all the time when I compile. Sometimes all you need to do is change a couple of things - move 'em around a bit.

Basically you've got to watch the compile time.

eg. My map take 15min to compile FULLVIS (nolight), so I know that if I try FULLVIS / FULLVIS 1/2 / FULLVIS (extra) and I get it compiling in the same time then it hasn't worked. (In fact it currently takes 9 hrs on FULLVIS 1/2 to compile!!!)


The only fix/advice I've seen for this FULLBRIGHT problem is here


but it doesn't seem to apply in any way to my map.

Hope it helps



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Right i have got the pics up. The first pic is an old one before i got the light working properly there are pictures of the moister farm and a pic of the tusken raider camp and a few more. If there is anything you think i could improve on please say and if anyone has any ideas of any other shops i could put tell me if u want to. Happy viewing :Dscreenies here !!! Tell me what u think of the screens thanks

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