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The Truth about MasterYoda

Guest recluse

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Guest Kurgan

If someone wants to be a leader at this site, they have to give OF themselves, that is to serve the forum over simply their own ego.






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Guest The Ringmaster

I have seen this happen so many times before. This especially happens with the younger crowd when they get involved in this sort of thing (no offense to anyone in the age range) But I have moderated multiple boards in my time, and have never encountered such a thing. No one ever let it be publically known that they wanted to be moderator too. That might have been because I didn't have much contact with the people of the forum, I just posted their messages. And when I did speak with them I did not act like I was better then them in anyway, I was always fair and honest. Which should explain why I was invited back to mod the next game in that series forum all by myself. I'm not just talking about myself here I'm going somewhere with this. Basically after seeing what recluse said, and if that is truly what masteryoda said, then I'm sorry to say but this just seems to be a case of egomania. People simply wanting the title to lord it over people, even if they don't do it publically it eases their mind to know to themselves that they are higher up on the food chain so to say, then anyone else. And the fact that this board is populated by people in the 13-16 age range makes this even more apparent. But again I mean no disrespect there are plenty of adults out there that are just as immature as younger kids can be and more so. This is just so typical. I remember before this council thing ever started. Pretty much everyone got along and questions were always answered. Now I see some questions going unanswered while people are bogged down on these pointless threads about this council. If you ask me this is taking away vastly from people being helped out in the game which is what this forum is for.


[This message has been edited by The Ringmaster (edited April 25, 2000).]

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